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Where's The Faqs

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, Sep 17, 2012.

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  1. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Where is the Frequently asked questions section ?????
    Why isn't that it's own section on the forum.
    Community Home Articles
    General Discussion - Games
    Home Events & Clubs
    General & Home Discussion

    No FAQs
    Why do i have to search for it if exists at all.
    Also again with the unnecessary features.
    How do i turn off the facebook, twitter, translator, game events sidebar displayed on my screen.
    Those are unnecessary features that are already listed & shoved in your face constantly without it being a sidebar which also adds to the loading of this site.
    Not everyone is experiencing the sluggish loading but some are.
    So an option to turn off that features & others would be very helpful.
    Why is the post number not displayed under members names anymore ?
    Do we not have options for individual members anymore to display or not to display certain things on the forum anymore ?

  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Your always forgetting one main fact, all the above is your 'personal' feeling and not that of the community in full.
    1 can never make every single user of a site happy due to likes and dislikes of each user.

    The forum like always as a lite version of the skin that removes some of the things from the design, as always this is found in the bottom left of the site.
    Where's The Faqs, C.Birch, Sep 17, 2012, 3:07 PM,, png, Screen Shot 2012-09-17 at 14.53.40.png

    Settings to turn some other things off and on can be accessed very easy via the top menu by clicking on the drop down on your name.
    Where's The Faqs, C.Birch, Sep 17, 2012, 3:07 PM,, png, Screen Shot 2012-09-17 at 14.54.25.png

    Again having a Home FAQ area is your personal view, keeping in mind where not official and have full time jobs, we have to pick what to have and no have on the site, with some of it counting on users adding to and helpping keep stuff like a FAQ up to date. The forum it self as a basic help area for forum stuff, that's accessed via the handy named 'Help' on the menu.

    Do you need your post counts to be showed? You can view how many posts you have made via your profile, showing your post count could come under your own 'unnecessary feature' because it add's to the mysql call's needed to pull and display the data. If you want to see other peoples post counts you can click on there name where a handy info card mini profile pops up.
    Where's The Faqs, C.Birch, Sep 17, 2012, 3:07 PM,, png, Screen Shot 2012-09-17 at 15.04.27.png
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Your reply would be perfect for a FAQ section.

    The help does not cover issue that comes up, an FAQ section would help new members by covering alot & explaining more.
    And having the Messages: number
    & Points: displayed under the user avatar is much more handy then opening a new window just to view that information instead of seeing it with the user name.
    It also adds a little personality to the user.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Like i say a FAQ takes time, something i have very little of personally, after all the site is done in my free time after working full time.

    Also i don't see the need for showing a post count and like counts in every post, its not a contest to see who posts and gets liked the most, its the posts content your viewing that matters and not if the user as 1 post or 100000 posts. It's a not needed call for each post to the mysql database what as no information gain for the user viewing the posts content.

    If people need to view that information they still can but i fail to see the day to day need to see that information in posts when its the content of the post that matters.

    Personality comes from your signs and av image and not from a number.

    Most of the other stuff on the site is about making information and content be able to access from the site easy without the need of loading the other pages/sites up, saving time and loading why letting users view the latest that's going on.
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Your creating an FAQ now you know.
    You can go the easy route.
    Create a thread then give it it's own section & state in thread ask the staff anything, any questions about the forum, & you reply *as you are now* with an answer.
    Each Mod & you the administrator can post an answer asked by each member.
    It's a quick easy route to an FAQ section.

    Ok then what's the point of giving likes or the other little things placed under the reply feature.

    It's no big deal BUT i'm not saying the post count is a contest so get that clear.
    And judging by your reply & removal of that, apparently others thought it was a contest & instead of it making people want to work harder, i'm guessing it gave certain members an ego.
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    The point of the like system is so users can fast and easy make it clear that they liked there post or found it helpful/funny without the need of making a 3 word reply to say so, this only needs to be showed in the post that was liked, it don't need a total in every post of that users total likes.

    You have yet to give one good case for why a users post total should be showed in each post they make, you say about adding pointless things that slow down page loading yet than go and ask why one of the most pointless things on a forum as been removed.

    A post count also does not make people 'work' harder, it will only ever go to making it a contest for some users and for others to spam, to up there post count. A forums about it's content and each post made should be viewed for its content and not on if a user as 1 or 10000 posts.

    Helpful people who want to help people will always do so and not because it made a post count go 1 post higher.

    Your feedback as been noted, but like always it's just your personal view so does not make something wrong or right. We base stuff on the need for it and how much time it will take up.

    Right now more needed things are needed to be done/updated that add far more to the site and community as a whole.
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I'm not listing reasons why post count should be added, i was asking why it was removed.
    And what i was saying was how i saw it, i don't use it as a contest i use it as motivation to bring more information to this site.
    If user A has been here 7months & have 2,000 posts & i've been here 2yrs & only have 500, then i better work harder to bring quality information to this forum.

    It's one of the few features i liked about this forum. As i said it's no big deal it's gone, i just wonder why.

    And i'm saying from a new members perspective if i needed help, your little help section does not cover every issue i come across.
    So i'd look for an FAQ section.
    And instead of you & your MODS wasting your valuable time answering questions here & there & repeatedly being asked the same questions over & over by each new individual member that joins.
    I was thinking one thread labeled big & bold FAQ, where they can ask & the answers can be dis
  8. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I was thinking one thread labeled big & bold FAQ, where they can ask & the answers can be displayed for all the world to see.

    And I am not saying it's right or wrong, i'm saying it would be helpful to the forum & each new member.
  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Big post counts don't = posting of value, over 13 years of running community based sites i have found them that have smaller post counts but have been on a site just as long, normal post more things of value when they do post.

    Like i say your feedback as been heard and i know what you mean and are saying when it comes to a FAQ, but right now other things come first.
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