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Ps4 Home

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by oDd GiR£, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #21 Baron_Brain, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    A recent report on PS Home — The story of PlayStation Home! — may have been missed by many here.

    It's an in-depth feature article, and includes interviews with those who shaped (and still run) the service. Sorry to say it concludes with a section on Home's rather unlikely PS4 future.

    Remember, the quotes above are obviously out-of-context from the article, so it's best to read it in its entirety and draw your own conclusions…

    (And sorry in advance if any of this post is formatted odd — first time I'm attempting to use Tapatalk on my iPhone. )

    "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity."
    — Harlan Ellison

  2. draven_johnson

    Dec 1, 2013
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    I highly doubt home will vanish from psn. What i think will happen is the community will get angry at how home wont be on the ps4. Then the ps3 wont be sold anymore. Then after a year or so the community will effectively abandon psh. This will probably take place in a matter of 5 or 6 years.

    ~username: purple622~

    FTLOMW Me in Iraq

    Sep 22, 2013
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    YES and YES home is on the 4, this comes from a frind of mine on home who bought a ps4. The cost for home is 150.00 usd a year as for the items i will let you know when i know..
  4. ZeroRyoko

    ZeroRyoko Bad Sailor Girl

    Jan 10, 2011
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    As much as I love being on home and the friends I have made there and even here on YPSH if Sony does drop home the PS3 will be my last system. I will not waste my money if this is the way Sony will treat its core users as us PS Home users have spent a lot on home and the fact that Sony is acting like they do not care whatsoever is even more unsettling.
  5. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    SURE it is… funny how no other PS4 users have it on theirs. I'll believe it myself if and when it ever appears. Which I seriously doubt. If the PS3 servers aren't shut off within the next 2-3 years max, I'll be seriously shocked.

    And yes, I do think Sony is making an error by not bringing it to the PS4 (for now) — they're definitely making money on the item sales (well, not from me, but from many others).

    Anyway, I'll continue to enjoy Home while it's still here, and hope everyone else will as well. No matter the outcome. But sooner or later, it WILL be gone… sad but true.

    "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity."
    — Harlan Ellison
  6. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    As I stated before, it has been told by many people to bring it to PS4 and perhaps on its testing stages at some point. It'll probably take weeks, months, perhaps a year until it's added into the updates to download.

    Home will not go away.
  7. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    #27 faga4567, Dec 3, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
    The infrastructure is already there, item data, personal data, store items, psn, etc. Just like FF14 for the PS4 that is scheduled for an April 2014 release, they just need to make the software for it to run on the hardware and test for any incompatibilities and fix them. But, unlike FF14 where SquareEnix makes all of it's stuff, Home is developed a lot by third party, and it makes it really hard for them to get together and do it (especially devs that left or are no more). In reality, I believe Home is too complex and costly to port it on the PS4 because of the reason above. Making a starting from scratch Home-like for PS4 is a better possibility.

    Also I'll take the words of past staff of Sony's dev saying Home probably has only 2 or 3 years. If those people can't see the future of Home, then I don't think Sony sees it either.

    And I kind of see the PS4 system interface as the next social platform. It'll probably improve with more features (and a bad way with ads and stuff) as time goes (without the avatar interactions).

    Whatever future Home has, I'll still enjoy it.
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    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      #28 Baron_Brain, Dec 4, 2013
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
      Well stated!

      "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity."
      — Harlan Ellison

      Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
    • oDd GiR£

      oDd GiR£ Active Member

      Dec 29, 2012
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      can you post the link please ;) ty
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      Or you could also post up the supposed pic onto the forum along with that working link, correct?


      I'm not saying I don't believe you — okay, actually that's exactly what I'm saying — but I'll give you the benefit of a very serious doubt until we can see and judge this "proof" for ourselves.

      Sorry, this just appears to be something to conveniently moisten up the wet dreams of Home fans.

      The chances of SCEI's own dev teams ever thinking, "Oh, what the hell…" — then sending a "legit" PS4®Home dev photo link to any user email they received — simply boggles the imagination, plus defies all logical explanations.

      You do know Sony has officially & repeatedly denied any momentum on the rumored PS4®Home? Also, there's the small matter of those non-disclosure (NDC) agreements employees are required to sign. They are quite strict… and legally-binding.

      The odds of any developer defying their NDC and willingly risk their job, inevitable lawsuit(s) and/or fines over this is slim beyond comprehension. They'd have absolutely nothing to gain… and far too much to lose.

      And lest we forget about the best-known of Murphy's Laws: "If it seems too good to be true, it IS."

      So for now, I'll just have to call out "super-shenanigans" on this. Just far too convenient to be even remotely true. (Yes, I'd love to be proven completely wrong about this, but it's unlikely).

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
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      Mar 21, 2012
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      I think someone needs a better mate that don't lie. Keeping in mind i own a PS4 along with some other site members, if Home was on it you would know by now.
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      • FTLOMW

        FTLOMW Me in Iraq

        Sep 22, 2013
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        wow laptop just freaked out,lol.. Ok lets start all over, Guys i`m not that tech savi but i will try to post the pic.. I can also tell you this Sony is about to reach 40 million players on home, witch means they can no longer do beta. we will move to solid state by the end of 2016. so the move from 3 to 4 will happen if you want it or not, they will pull the moving trucks up and stick all of your stuff in and well to the ps4 home. So to think Sony will leave out in the cold homeless holding cardboard signs ( mine will say ,will work for psn cards) then you are sadly mistaken. they have made over 300 mil. on home and i really think 4 will be a home that will blow you on that note i will try to post as soon as i can, till then dream of a home where anything is possible. just in case i lose my internet merry christmas and happy new year..
      • sam_reynolds01

        sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

        Apr 14, 2011
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      • FTLOMW

        FTLOMW Me in Iraq

        Sep 22, 2013
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        Uh No, I Do My Own Research I Do Not, And Repeat Do Not Go On What Just Anybody Says. I'm Unemployed Right Now So I Spend Slot Of Time On My PC Looking For A Job. When I'm Unbeaten Job Searches I Look For Myself At Parents And What Not. This Is Not Gibberish Nonsense. I Have Been A Fan Of Play Station From The Beginning.So If I Am Wrong On Any Case Then I'm Sorry ,But The Facts Stand And So Do I. As I Find Information I Pass It Along So We All Know Not For Anything But Just That.We All Have Our Views On This Subject And All That Will Matter In The End Is What Don't Does Or Does Not. We Shall Have To Wait And see.
      • Shaundi

        Shaundi Third Street Saints
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        Jan 16, 2011
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      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
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        Mar 21, 2012
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        The facts are as follows and I'm going make it easy.
        • Sony have not comment on Home coming to PS4 other than to say its still supported on PS3
        • PS4 as been out a month, myself and other trusted members of the site plus 2 million other people own one, and none of them have Home on the PS4.
        Really i don't get whats hard about them facts.
        • Like Like x 1
        • FTLOMW

          FTLOMW Me in Iraq

          Sep 22, 2013
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          Im NOT Going To Fight With Talk If You Want To Believe That Home Is Not Going To Be On 4 Well My Friends You Are Entitled To That Swell Asia About It Being On There. The end
        • Baron_Brain

          Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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          Jan 22, 2011
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          Seems my translator is having difficulty with the grammar structure on that. Or could be the initial caps on everything. Or the lack of understanding "troll" (but Klingon or Elvish works.)

          And contrary to all existing facts + your "the end" statement, this rumour will never cease.

          o_O :facepalm:

          [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
          Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
        • FTLOMW

          FTLOMW Me in Iraq

          Sep 22, 2013
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          2016 Is What I said
        • Baron_Brain

          Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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          Jan 22, 2011
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          #40 Baron_Brain, Dec 18, 2013
          Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
          *SIGH"… double :facepalm: !!!

          The truth is out there, but the story you're freely quoting from is not it. Not sure exactly what you don't understand about that.

          Read these words: it's a 100% FAKE (I.e. false, not true, a fabrication, totally bogus dude) article, like everything else "Jack" writes. It has ZERO basis in reality, as everyone but you have been aware of.

          It was absolutely confirmed to be fake. So please get your facts even slightly correct before trolling further about this.

          <sarcasm on>
          Would you also be interested in the finished production PS6 unit I'm selling? Works great, and Home v4.0 is as amazing as your imagination will insist it must be.
          <sarcasm off>

          And you misled… your previous "the end" statement suggested your ceasing this ridiculous discussion. Onto Robot Santa's naughty list you are destined for…

          [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
          Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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