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Dolphy race guide

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by satuli, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Some additional "facts"..
    The max on any of the skills (speed, stamina, sharp) is 20. Receiving the crowns is bound to number of victories: 1. bronze, 3. silver, 5. gold.
    [Edit] Victories has to be done with the same dolphy to receive the crowns, but you can still fit the crowns to any of your dolphys once you won them.
  2. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    レッツゴー (Let's go) had her first race tonight with maxed skills 20-9-1. It really seems like the sharpness has really small or no effect in the race speed ;) She ended up 2nd after a really bad start. She kept hitting every gate and was last for a long time but on the second round she started catching up hitting only few gates. Given just 2 or 3 more gates would have made her a winner for sure.
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    I still think the hitting of the rings is very random, so your race just only adds to back that fact up :)
  4. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    15-9-6 JP old 4/11, new 2/5
    20-9-1 JP old 6/13, new 1/4
    20-9-1 NA 8/19
    14-9-7 NA 5/8

    Updated 5 October 2010
  5. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I just got my US Dolphy room. I'm hoping to race soon! I have been to 3 racrs so far. Haven't picked a winner yet, but like the 30min pace more than the 1hr loco roco space. Chasing the race in loco roco is more fun but the chase cam is cool too, you can chat a lot more here.
  6. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    My NA dolphy Clumsy (11-9-1) had her first race tonight against the Hudson BOT'S. She did end up 7th witch is really OK with her poor skills. Racing them is now really getting to be a full time job, as EU finally got the race fixed (going to ignore them mostly though).

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
  7. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I have raced my dolphin twice. Stats are still really low, 9-6-6, so I didn't expect much. Is there a total number of times that you can race a dolphin? I am worried racing so early will mess me up later. How do the ring stats and time trial effect the race?
  8. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Don't be afraid of racing them, they will only get better with every race as long as you don't have long gaps between them. Basically everything you do with them makes them race better. They will get mad if you ignore them for days and then it becomes really hard work to get them back in the winning mood.
    The time trial score is not really telling anything of the race speed. My "ひ" 12-8-10 (RIP) was really fast on it did 31.25 and 31.26 few times also, but was poor in the real racing. The ones with balanced skill's do good on it and the winners usually have records between 34 -37.
  9. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Clumsy won for the first time in NA tonight. Not saying that the competition was too hard but there was some really good ones in also. I had to hear all kind of insults,anything from bing stupid biach to ****. After the race when I said something like told you this is going to happen' ... Got f''k you ***** etc. back at me. Sad ppl :p They had the Hudson gate for one week and one day tonight and they know 10-10-10 is the best there ever can be. I'm not going to correct their believe anytime soon

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641

    P.S. While typing this my Let's go (20-9-1) just won her 4th race :)
    Edit - Turned to be a 3 win night later :p
  10. Werner H.

    Werner H. Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Hallo!! das Delfine-Spiel ist zur Zeit eines der schönste Spiel im Home..
  11. Werner H.

    Werner H. Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Hallo!!! warum ist auf dieser Seite nichts los!!!! oder gibt es über das Dellphine-Spiel nichts mehr neues mitzuteilen??
  12. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Es gibt keine neuen Informationen, haben wir alles abgedeckt, was benötigt wird, um über das Spiel wissen.
  13. Pingus

    Pingus Member

    Sep 26, 2010
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    Hi all :)

    When I came into my Dolphy room today a message popped up to say my second Dolphy had fully grown and said something about babies but it disappeared too quickly for me to read it :mad:. I left and came back but this time it just says both my dolphies are fully grown. Does anyone know what the text of the message was?

    If it helps, my first dolphy has won five races and the second won it's first race yesterday. I have not yet raced them today or created a new dolphy. I read online that someone "created a new dolphy and it's mother suggested the name Echo" (paraphrasing) but I don't see any options on getting either of my dolphies to have a baby, only the original one to create a new dolphy that was greyed out (and no name is suggested when I try this).

    I haven't been able to find any more information online so I would really appreciate it if someone could share what they know about dolphies having babies. I am of course glad to try to help with questions anyone else might have.

    Thanks! XD

    I'm sorry to hear about the way people reacted. Some people don't get that the races aren't deterministic and a lot depends on chance as well. Also some people are just really immature :p Congratulations on your win! I have voted on your dolphy before so next time I see you I'll vote again and hope for another one ;)
  14. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Hi Pingus,

    The message just told you that since your 2nd dolphy is now fully grown so you can create a third one =^_^=

    Concerning me and my Dolphies, i have 3
    1st one named Narusegawa (after Love Hina manga) she is 8/10/12 and a lazy one that never won a race
    2nd one named Rinoa (after Rinoa Heartilly from FF8) she is 12/9/9 and won only one race (finished several times 2nd and 3rd)
    3rd one named Nausicaä (after Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the windy valley), she is still a baby yet and i intend to set her around 15/9/6 or something like that

    Here they are in family portrait Naru in pink, Rinoa in dark blue and Nausicaä still baby
    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641

    I really enjoy this game and i really thank you Satuli for your messages here, it'll be really helpfull to me for next ones, once i'll release Naru in deep sea

  15. Pingus

    Pingus Member

    Sep 26, 2010
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    Thanks K-rolyne :) it's been bugging me all day!

    I made a friend today whose second dolphy is about to mature and she said she'd also message me the exact text in case there was anything useful in it. If there is I will post it on here.

    In case anyone is interested, I've been keeping track of the Dolphy races (both Hudson and community dolphies) and the general pattern with winners seems to be that they either have fairly even attributes or when they are more uneven the ones where the owners pick the weakest attribute as the strategy seem to do better.

    Having said that, there is a lot of luck involved during the race. The agility attribute helps but it's really about getting lucky with the rings. It's entirely possible for a dolphy with 9 9 9 to beat a dolphy with 10 10 10 even if both are using the same strategy and achieved the same score in the ring game.

    Also, in case anyone was wondering about rewards for winning races, your dolphy can win things for itself as long as it doesn't come last and at least one person other than it's owner votes for it. The effects it can win are: small sparkles (little gold diamond shaped ones), big sparkles (big blue 8-pointed stars), cherry blossom bubbles (pink petals), colourful bubbles (multicoloured bubbles) and hearts (pink and red hearts).

    If your dolphies win races they can get crowns: bronze for 1st win, silver for 3rd and gold for 5th. It seems that it does not have to be the same dolphy winning each time; for instance your first dolphy could win 3 races and get bronze and silver crowns and your second dolphy could then win 2 races and get a gold crown. Crowns are like effects in that they can be placed on any dolphy, not just the one that won them.

    The Ring Game makes a big difference to Test Course scores and actual race times when crossing the threshold from happy (79 and below) to very happy (80 and above) but I have not noticed any particular difference once the dolphy is very happy (i.e. average test course times for 82 and 88 are not much different). I have not scored higher than 88 so I am not sure if 90+ points would further improve times.

    The Test Course doesn't seem to be particularly indicative of how your dolphy will do in a race nor does it seem to improve times with repeated use. You can't use it to test out different race strategies (speed / stamina / agility) and the times don't seem to make sense. It takes around 10-12 seconds (of real time) for a grown dolphy to do one lap but the lap times shown are in the range 03:00 to 05:00. The predicted times are in the range 30 - 40 and don't seem related to the lap times in any obvious way (if you total the lap times, a higher total lap time does not necessarily mean a higher predicted time). I am guessing the predicted time is a weighted sum of the lap times but I'm afraid I don't have the patience to try and work out what it is :eek:

    IMHO the most useful thing about the test course is that it gives an indication of how much luck is involved in the actual race; my dolphies predicted times average at about 34 but they range from 31 to 37 depending on how lucky they get with the rings on the test course. Incidentally, my dolphies usually take 1:45-1:47 (of real time) to complete a race but I'm not sure how this relates to the predicted times calculated by the test course.

    Finally, I just wanted to clarify how attribute changes work with fully grown dolphies. Once your dolphy has matured (to 30 points) you can still change its stats by feeding it super fish. The fish will add 1 point to the corresponding attribute and deduct one point from one of the other attributes. I am not 100% sure, but I think it maintains the points in the attribute you fed last time and deducts 1 from the attribute you fed before that. Meaning if you fed your dolphy a super stamina, then fed it a super speed then fed it a super agility, it would take 1 point from stamina and move it to agility while leaving speed the same. So if your dolphy had stats 15 7 8 and you wanted to make it 15 8 7, you would feed it super agility, then super speed, then super stamina (so the next day 1 point would move from agility to stamina and speed would stay the same). I have tried this with my dolphy a few times and it seems to work.

    I hope you'll forgive me for the length of this post! I know it's really long, but I wanted to share what I know to help out other dolphy owners. If I turn up any more useful information I will put it here.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you found it useful XD
  16. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Hi Pingus,

    We dont have to forgive you, but to thank you for that great detailed and interresting method to bread our dolphies.
    I'll try it with mine ASAP especially on Naru wich is 8 10 12 and try to upgrade her slow speed and reduce her useless agility.
    I'll also try to engage the dolphies with a strategy based on their weak attribute.

    Thanks again
  17. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    First of all thank you Pingus for the really informative post you did. It will surely point a lot of people towards the right direction with the "game".

    Some clarifications still :

    You should always pick the tactics your dolphy is strongest with, I always choose speed for mine for obvious reasons. The specialized dolphys do really badly with any other skill than its strongest one.

    (total speculation here) It seems also that the winning probability with different type of stats rotate. Some nights balanced ones seem to win every start and ones like mine have no chances then. Not sure how long the rotation period is but I assume anything from 2 nights up to a week.

    About the crowns.. I'm fairly sure you have to have all 5 wins with the same dolphy to get the golden crown. I had a period with "Let's go" when she had 4 wins and "Hi-HO 2nd" was gathering wins up to 3 before "Let's go" got her 5th win and the golden crown. Same applied to to silver in there before, "hi" (RIP) had one win and then "Let's go" got the silver crown with her 3rd win.

    The ring game score above the "very happy" does not seem to have any effect what so ever. I always play my daily scores to 90 or above when I decide to play the horrible thing.. done 96 few times also but the full 100 is still not happening for me. Not playing the ring game before racing (even not every day) seems to have some positive effect the race results.

    The Test Course is totally pointless and not telling you anything of the race speed.
    It might give you hint how many rings it will hit in the real race though. The result is not telling anything of its actual swimming speed, how fast it recovers from the ring hits and how long it will last in the real thing.

    Clumsy (20-9-1) finally got her Golden Crown today, after a depressing four losses in a row disaster.

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641

    regards Satu
  18. Pingus

    Pingus Member

    Sep 26, 2010
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    Hi Satu and thanks for sharing your information :)

    I'm not sure exactly how the dolphin tactics work yet; from the records my friends and I have put together (just over 100 races) it seems to be that when there are two evenly matched dolphins (same stats and roughly same happiness), the one that has its weakest attribute chosen as the strategy wins in 90% of races. However, there are so few dolphies with such extreme stats as clumsy (as you'll know most don't go above 15 or below 5 in a single attribute) that it may be in her case choosing speed works the best. My friends and I have tried experimenting with our dolphies and we've found picking the weakest attribute works best for us, but our dolphies are not as extreme as yours; the most specialized is 17 6 7.

    Interesting idea about the wining probability with different stats changing each day. Unfortunately, given the randomness of hitting rings, it would be really hard to test and would probably require recording every race for at least 10 days. If anyone is dedicated enough to do this please let me know what you find out!

    About the crowns, Darwin actually won 5 races before I could race my second so I am not speaking from personal experience. Three of my friends told me they were really pleased when they received gold/silver crowns because they were expecting differently. Specifically their second dolphies had their 3rd, 1st and 2nd wins but got gold, silver and silver crowns (respectively). Their first dolphies had already had their 2nd, 2nd and 1st wins. Maybe, like winning effects, the dolphies also need people to vote on them to get crowns? Or maybe my friends are confused XD

    Regarding the ring game, I am a little confused by what you said:
    However, this is the opposite of what my friends and I have observed; when our dolphies are very happy (80 and above) they have faster Test Course times and faster times during actual races. Quite often we see two dolphies with the same stats and strategy and the happier one usually wins. Again, it may be because we see hardly any dolphies that are as specialized as yours and when the agility goes below a certain point there is so much luck involved during the race that happiness has little effect. Also, the happiness seems to carry over to the next day; when I first log in, my dolphies are all still singing, even though it says today's Ring Game scores are 0. Might that be what's happening for clumsy?

    I would be very interested to see detailed results from clumsy's races (and your other dolphies if they are similar). When my friends are playing, we record each dolphies stats, strategy and happiness (happy, normal, sad if we can't get numbers) and then what order they finish in. Usually we also time our own dolphies races on our phones. Luckily lots of my friends race and we are spread over different time zones so we end up with a lot of information when we put it together :)

    K-rolyne, please do let us know how you get on with your dolphies!
  19. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    I will Pingus, just i'm out my home since monday morning (job purpose) and be back thursday night. So i'll try to win SuperFishu and especially Speed one to try to change Naru statistics during weekend...

    Just a question, just wondering if we can share the same superfishu with 2 or even all 3 dolphies we breed.
  20. Pingus

    Pingus Member

    Sep 26, 2010
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    Yes, you can and I have done it often. Feeding all three dolphies the same super fish is the same as feeding it to just one of them; each dolphy's stats will increase as if you had fed it to only them (+ 3 for babies, +2 for adults, +1 for fully grown) and the fish will be gone the next day.
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