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Storms's Rainy Day Apartment

Average User Rating:
  • Crib Information

    • Personal Space Rainy Day Apartment
    • Total 98
    • Hair 2
    • Hair 3
    • Hair 6
    My husband wanted a different look for the Rainy Day Apartment then the regular studio look and decided to add some walls to make it have more a sectional feel. Rooms if you may. He used various My Bathroom Dark Wood wall units to construct walls. Then added different pieces to compliment the space. The bed room opens into the master bathroom with tub and shower. On the opposite side of the bathroom is the living room area with Loot 80 inch t.v. and Loot boombox. When you first walk into the apartment, you find the kitchen to your right with The Complex 2 Kitchen Counter and Ultra Modern Smart Fridge. To your left is a very simple dining area. All in all I think he really utilized the space well.
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Boxer.Lady, x-x_KIA_x-x and C.Birch like this.

Recent User Reviews

  1. Boxer.Lady
    "Nicely done!"
    Pros - I think you've done an amazing job deco'ing this space. I like the kitchen area, it is quite different. Everything looks great done in the brown tones. It goes really well with the rainy weather.
    Cons - Don't really have any!
    I would have given you 5 stars but I accidentally hit only 4 and I couldn't get it to change. Sorry. I think you said your husband decorated this, let him know he did a great job!

    User Comments

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    1. x-x_KIA_x-x
      Good job, great use of the space.