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Island Bungalow Yellow-Team

Average User Rating:
  • Crib Information

    • Personal Space Island Bungalow
    • Total 100
    • Hair 5
    • Hair 0
    • Hair 2
    My co-leader and I designed a spa for this space. It's called the green leaf spa and we designed this pacifically for our female members. So lets say their at glitter sand beach having a conversation that gets interupted by an anoying guy who won't stop herassing them. They then can come to the green leaf and continue their conversation, while relaxing by the pool or watch a movie while their feet soak in flower pedaled water. This spa also offers soothing music to listen to while sitting in the hot tube and several lounge spots including two bench swings from which the sunset can be enjoyed.
  • PlayStation(R)Home Picture 02-02-2014 17-56-11.jpg
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    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 02-02-2014 17-59-29.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 02-02-2014 18-00-02.jpg
Boxer.Lady and 4_ever_luv like this.

Recent User Reviews

  1. Boxer.Lady
    Pros - So warm and inviting
    What a great deco job here. It is so calming and relaxing.

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