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Is The Lack Of Communication On The Future Of Home Affecting The Community?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. No.

  2. Yes i no longer buy content due to it at all.

  3. Yes it affects how much time i put into it.

  4. Yes, i have greatly cut back on spending.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. stacy

    stacy Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    #21 stacy, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    I had to come back and say more really I don't play games that much I just love to get on home or watch my movies or rent movies from the PS store . I look forward to every Wednesday lol my aunt and I call it Xmas Wednesdays because its like opening up a new gift every time we can't wait to see what's new on home and all the new events right along with the fun .. I really would miss home because at the end of the day I can always get on home and enjoy its one way to escape the real world. so why on earth would SONY want to take this alway from people I'm sure I'm not the only 1 to feel this way they can at least tell us something so we can all rest at ease and know what to expect. I don't think Sony knows how home makes alot of people happy because what some of us can't do in the real world or what they don't have home has made it happen and they do enjoy it I've even met cool people from all over thanks to home and I'm not ready to let that just go not now so please sony think about others the fans that was there for you guys and think about the home workers the ones who helped keep home alive as well.
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    • DivaPlavaLaguna

      DivaPlavaLaguna I am my own Knight in shining armor

      Jan 10, 2013
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      I'm in love with Home. I ended up selling my Xbox 360 because Home was my game time. My time on it and spending has waned a bit slightly because of the recent news and lack of news on Home but more so because of personal economy. I took a week to reflect on what to do about Home and I asked myself 2 simple questions:
      1. Do I enjoy it?
      2. Have I met at least one good friend?
      So with 100% positive answers I decided to continue to support Home financially and even if I didn't buy for a bit at least show my love for Home in my attendance.

      Don't give up on Home! At least support in logging in and doing dailies.

      Also I view Home like food:
      I love it
      I need it
      It can disappear so enjoy it while its here
      And with lack of it I will fight for it.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
      • happyfeet

        happyfeet Bickeybird

        Apr 23, 2012
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        +3 /6
        Home is a wonderful place to be its a big adventure, home is hilarious, i love to meet people decorate my space and hunt for rewards. Sony! please please don't take our home away
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        • Agree Agree x 1
        • Adrian

          Adrian Well-Known Member

          Sep 26, 2012
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          +26 /5
          You're likley right.

          But there are two things here, one is Home itself, which is a free service/game for people who use PS3 & PSN, this belongs to Sony.

          Then there are purchases, these belong to me.

          So if Sony wanted they could stop the service... We should just buy Home from them I guess... lol, somebody said that any one of us could do a better job of running it! Haha.

          Sony will keep home for a while imo, it'd be negative publicity for them if they just stopped it, Sony are not always perfect, but they have some smarts & my guess is that they'd likely keep us happy for a while at least and then phase Home out,.

          For me there is a bigger question.... about Home jumping accross to PS4 & this I think less likeley, as such, because PS4 is going to have a very different architecture, so home on PS4 may not be directly compatible, at best we'd get to use Home via our PS3's, but if we wanted extras then we'd need to buy a PS4.
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • ZAYA-MAN

            ZAYA-MAN {< lets work hard,so we can play long >}

            Aug 8, 2013
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            There is no way SONY would set us (the home comunity) up for such a FAIL! right? i have been loyal verry loyal to PSN and PS HOME since home became an open beta back in 05 or i think 08 is ryt,correct me if im wrong about that date. my station would be lost without its home! p3 does not want to be homeless and that is NO JOKE!
          • ZAYA-MAN

            ZAYA-MAN {< lets work hard,so we can play long >}

            Aug 8, 2013
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            I FEEL THE SAME WAY. BUT I DO HAVE MANY GAMES THAT I HAVE NAGLECTED SINCE HOME OPEN BETA. 30 downloaded games and lots of new and classic CD games. here is a mental pic of how much we all love our my living room i have 3 P3 setups connected for my wife,my son and i. and we cant wait to get home to go on home!
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            • ZAYA-MAN

              ZAYA-MAN {< lets work hard,so we can play long >}

              Aug 8, 2013
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              i'll be right there with you untill the last server is shut down and our home life dwindles into the dark. so untill then i got the mortgage and u got the heating and electric billz. LOL lets keep this home alive!
            • ZAYA-MAN

              ZAYA-MAN {< lets work hard,so we can play long >}

              Aug 8, 2013
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              i believe they can intergrade the two,and as always only alow access to the content that available to its system,p3 & p4 are the same systems inside,they break down access and alow only certain functionality.ryt?
            • Torag

              Torag Active Member

              Sep 4, 2012
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              I know that I am a minor here, but the obscure future of PS Home really preventing me from buying any more content in PS Home, I am just afraid to lose it one day, and therefore PS Vita and PS3 digital games receiving a better priority compare to Home content when it goes down to my spendings in PSN.
            • Sonic7870

              Sonic7870 Member

              Sep 17, 2013
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              If home does go it will have quite an impact on how we socialize on PSN I see home as a relaxing enviroment have a few friends round and let them see what you've collected and can interact with such as the eod screen, or help each other with event rewards like this year's E3

              Furthermore Sony won't be able to promote much of it's services like Music Unlimited from it's music events, latest trailers or promotions.
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              • strider367

                strider367 Active Member

                Nov 13, 2010
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                #31 strider367, Sep 17, 2013
                Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
                Long time since I've been here.

                The decision to shut down home was made over 15 months ago. Mostly for reasons already pointed out here. Horrible management, refusal to invest, their refusal to properly fix the game code. Plus they never put in one dime to advertise this place. Word of mouth only goes so far. So this was always the red headed stepchild of a red headed stepchild. Nobody in home management wanted to be here. Being put in home was a career ender for sony people. So there was no clear mission here. Except of course making money. Putting items in home that caused most of the game code problems. Like money making active's and LMO's. Testing the boundaries of the game code build without any real Q&A over site. So this place has become unmanageable in it's present form.

                This could be fixed but sony has no intention to put any money in this now. The old throw the baby out with the bath water.

                I've been getting in trouble with sony for pointing out the obvious. If you really want to send a message to sony. Cancel your ps4 pre-order. It is this very reason their not announcing their true plans for home. They know how large the home community is. They fear us retaliating. I only posted this suggestion a couple of times. They since have locked me out of their forums and my account management page. Sending me a message and the same time proving my point.

                Viva la revolucion!!!
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                • Aiken_Drum

                  Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

                  Jan 26, 2011
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                  I'm sorry, but you don't understand correctly. :/ You've licensed a right to use some digital content while using your free Home account, but if Sony stops providing the free Home account in the first place, then that's the end of it.

                  That's how things currently work, anyway. I often expect someone with a sufficient investment to make a stink via civil suit when a service is discontinued, but so far no one has made a sufficient stink and so no precedent has been set with regards to expected longevity of a "purchase."
                • C.Birch

                  C.Birch Site Owner
                  Staff Member Administrator

                  Mar 21, 2012
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                  It's also in the TOS and the whole point of why Sony kept it a beta, problem is most have never even read Homes TOS.
                • Aiken_Drum

                  Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

                  Jan 26, 2011
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                  Actually, with the overwhelming abundance of lengthy EULAs, there's been a shift toward favoring the consumer when the EULA doesn't satisfy the "moron in a hurry" readability requirement. Still, it's Sony Entertainment one is up against, and not some 50-person dev house run on a knife's-edge budget out of a brick building in an affordable part of an affordable city in an affordable country.
                • strider367

                  strider367 Active Member

                  Nov 13, 2010
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                  #35 strider367, Sep 18, 2013
                  Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
                  There is a work around to their TOS. They can't stop you from filing a lawsuit against them in your local courts. Problem is they ignore them and when you get a default judgment. Its next to impossible to collect your award...

                  Added point; sony has had a F rating with Better Business Bureau for years here. So clearly they don't take customer satisfaction all that seriously...
                • Hikaruchan

                  Hikaruchan Member

                  Nov 24, 2011
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                  I haven't spent any money since August 27 and i have almost stopped logging in except for quick chat with friends.
                  Over 60% of my friends on my friends list don't even use home eater never or no longer. the last grate event was macross live. Anime and Game company's have given up along time ago.
                • Adrian

                  Adrian Well-Known Member

                  Sep 26, 2012
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                  +26 /5
                  yes, & if Sony misbehave I just tell them they have behaved with dishonour & hand them a beam katana...

                  This morning I went to play Siren Blood Curse (game itself, not the home space, which is cool), it is too involved, time consuming, what do I get from it? some trophies...

                  I used to play Tenchu a lot, I would just spend time in the game, hiding, hanging from a rooftop, just looking around, it was a very "pretty" game by all accounts.

                  Home suits me so much better, & I hope it continues, it is very satisfying that I can still use something today that I bought years ago, and there's no heavy pressure to acheive this goal

                  I will still spend in home, forme the value is tenfold when compared to the cost of games which give me very little in return to show for my money.

                  Home has new items, they just made a pretty big update which has improved the speed of loading & stability of home, would they make that improvement if they were just going to ditch it???

                  an unfortunate answer is maybe, cos some devs program & Home is still fairly new & there is still experimenting.

                  I hope Home continues on Playstation... (&Commodore 64 of course ;) )
                • Firefly

                  Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

                  Nov 5, 2010
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                  Home Japan's announcement really shook up alot of people's confidence even in NA's future. I'm definitely more stingy with spending in Home. Especially with apartments and furniture. Since I'll use avatar stuff more.

                  I consider Sony's Japan announcement as an indication that Sony WANTS to close down the Japan Home server. It's their way of making Home Japan less interesting so people leave. They don't want alot of customers mad they closed the servers. Especially since they PAID for virtual items. But if they can make Home Japan a ghost town, they can close the servers without too much a fuss.

                  I think they will eventually do the same in NA and EU. BUT not right now. I think there's still a good profit coming in. But I'm expecting a drop in profitability as PS4 becomes more popular. People will get excited about new PS4 stuff and that indirectly takes away some Home profits.

                  Home won't be on PS4 because there is no one at the helm that wants to take a risk with Home. Expansion takes risks. You have to gamble that future profits will pay for large program expenses. Your reputation will ride on it. You will have to pay programmers to create a new client for a new system. Then pay to fix bugs that crop up. All for a fairly small customer base that might shrink significantly when PS4 comes out. PS4 offers the possibility of more customers and more profits down the road. But someone has to make a gamble it will pay off. And I don't see anyone with that kind of cajones in Sony for Home.

                  But Home is profitable now. Home doesn't need any real developement budget. Sony just rakes in the profits and pays for the servers. As long as we keep spending alot, Home will live.

                  For awhile at least... :)
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • faga4567

                    faga4567 Well-Known Member

                    Jan 29, 2011
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                    #39 faga4567, Sep 19, 2013
                    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
                    I think Sony is using Japan as a testing ground of what happens when the time comes when they're going to announce it in NA and EU. They did a test in Japan before Home came with the Japanese Toro news software that came out in 2006, "Mainichi-issho", for feedback to be used in Home (I think it was from a Famitsu interview article on virtual content and how Home will be utilized) so I think this is another of their feedback testing.

                    The impact in my view seem to have been very big (FF14 starting at the same time might be another factor) and since the announcement I only see like 90% of friends who were everyday Japan Home users not being in Home anymore or being logged in less. Sony is trying to counter it with events and 50% sales, but I'm not sure how much will come back.

                    Why Japan was picked first is probably because of the number of developers, and the disciplined behavior of the Japanese community. Home pretty much now is built around mainly by 3rd party devs so Sony can't easily say "we're closing Home, stop developing stuff, find another place to get money, we can't reimburse the unfinished development cost, etc" without going through phases and not alienate those developers, and a possible conflict with the law in that region (especially with the complex EU laws). It's easier to carry out the plan with 5+ devs in Japan compared to 10+ devs in US/EU/Asia.

                    Addition to that, the PS4 has some social integration as it's core. No avatar like Home, but pretty much interaction between user and games is probably what they are more focused now. And with many game devs shifting into making some kind of social thing of their own, those devs probably won't have any interest in Home and Sony is probably have to face competition if they want to continue. So I don't see it coming for the PS4.

                    It's just my assumption, so I hope they prove me wrong. But assuming with 30k light to heavy everyday users right now in Home (going based on Kikai event and Ogre event, and 9000 of that will be mostly gone soon), I kind of think Sony is looking for the right timing to end it all.
                  • Pokemon_Mew_24

                    Pokemon_Mew_24 Pokemon_Mew_24

                    Jun 18, 2012
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                    The lack of communication for Home has not stopped me from forgetting about it. I love Home very much and I'll always support Home! :-D I just hope Home will be on the PS4. :-(
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