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Last Activity:
Jul 14, 2014 at 7:50 PM
Jun 27, 2014
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Under your bed ^^
dusting under your bed!

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New Member, Female, from Under your bed ^^

2day I am sleepie burr! Jul 1, 2014

CarebearShare was last seen:
Jul 14, 2014
    1. CarebearShare
      2day I am sleepie burr!
      1. CarebearShare
        haha!sneakie sneakie under yr bed! yesms I am UK :-) I like NA as I feel happiest. I find NA has so much stuff its hard 4 me 2 leave lol!
        1. x-x_KIA_x-x
          Are you NA or EU region ? not sure where Under the bed is LOL
          1. x-x_KIA_x-x
            hI Tilly i have a proposal for you, please message me :)
            1. Stacie Michelle84
              Stacie Michelle84
              Hi Silly Tilly :) I had a great time hanging out with you last night.....Thanks for the Free Promo codes for the T Shirts :) I have to try them on to see how I look in them :) Huggsies!
              CarebearShare likes this.
              1. CarebearShare
                ur so welcom my friend! my sis had em frm yrs bk I hope they make u happy!
                Jul 1, 2014
            2. Stacie Michelle84
              Stacie Michelle84
              Hi Tilly! I just wanted to say How much fun it was to hang out with you at the Bash yesterday :) and then in Novus Prime with you too .... oh! Btw....Love your Hair...
              1. CarebearShare
                Im Carebearshare AKA bearHair
                Stacie Michelle84 likes this.
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              4. About

                Under your bed ^^
                dusting under your bed!
                I 3> gaming
                i3> making people smile.
                I 3> working out
                making friends
                is important 2 me I like 2 meet people all over the world. pshome lets me do this.
                instant pen friend and cheaper too lol! ( no postage stamp fees ha ha!)
                I collect perfume bottles esp Gwen Steffani Harajuku dolls
                and have a love for things that are neon/rainbow/sparklie
                my id is as I collect care bears! and also any other stuffed teddies that are rare.:)
                I like pshome for its unique games prizes and avatars.
                I like 2 dye my hair mad shades and I am also happy playing psn games out of pshome.
                I like to swim/dance/keep fit.
                I am quite cute in my avatars clothing and sweet in reality too.;-)

                I am smile friendly and if you met me already, u know I am really kind friend 2 have and loyal.

                --my spelling is not so good but I try v hard I am better on mic!-- I often use small words as its easier 4 me 2 type. I am glad of spell check tbh!
              5. CarebearShare has not downloaded attachments