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  1. I try to be a good Home user, I buy a lot of stuff, in hopes that my money is going towards improving Home. However, I'm becoming highly doubtful that they know how to improve anything, other than their bank account.

    I gave the new Winter Event Quest a go and guess what? I did what the polar bear said and got 0 rewards. I still can't the jersey from the first quest or the rest of the tasks for the first quest and now I can't a thing from the second set of quests.

    So Sony can kiss my ass, because I'm done spending money on their piece of crap, which they can't make function properly to save their life.

    I think I'd even welcome a ban from their forums:

    I just don't get how it is so hard to get the rewards system to work properly. They've had so much time to perfect it and it still blows.

    I could rant on and on, but I will spare you all and just mumble to myself. I am so fed up, though. I only got 4 of the rewards out the winter quests. Pretty lame, I'd say.

    - - - - - - - - -

    Just discovered that as long as I use a male avatar, I can get the rewards from the Winter Space.

    Still, I thought we would be passed the whole trial and error thing, when it comes to the rewards system in Home. I still think I could put people from Sony in a choke hold. Rawrrr. ;D


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  1. EvilFluffyBunny
    Probably should have swore more, to get that ban. Hmmm...
  2. gary160974
    Not a happy bunny I take it, but look at it this way, there isnt a reward out there thats worth more than a good friend. Measure your success on how many friends you got.
  3. April_Croft
    Heh, the winter quest won't even start for me. I get sick of spending money on hone when things like that don't work and when home kicks you or causes crashes at lest twice a day.
  4. the_fps
    I am you use more than one region of Home on the same system?
  5. Firefly
    I think a rather LARGE number of people are suffering from Home's decision to NOT have one-on-one customer service and minimal tech support.

    Home has a rather large number of errors. It's a great concept and there is alot of positives about the program. But customer service is not one. And that's a constant source of frustration when things don't go right. (which happens alot) Or when a half thought out event leaves you ticked off.

    To be honest, I think many of us are spending less money on home. And focusing more on what brings us Joy. And less heartache.
  6. martinsonj
    Well see here is the thing; if it didn't work for anyone that would be one thing. But I did all 3 winter quests and got all the rewards with no problem. (In fact I did it again on a 2nd account with no issues as well.)

    Before you totally give up on Home I'd try the winter quest again. Maybe you misunderstood the instructions or quit while it was loading the next part of the quest.

    Maybe you can explain what stage of the quest you are stuck on and someone who has completed the quest could give you a few pointers. I know I'm not the only one.
  7. EvilFluffyBunny
    I have followed all instructions to a T, the reward message never pops up for that space, anymore, on my end. I have done oodles of suggestions and still end up with nothing.

    Some are having issues with the quests and some aren't, that's how it's been.
  8. EvilFluffyBunny
    Yes, I do, but I'm on my NA account more than the others. I maybe log on to my other region account, once every few months, because I forget about them.
  9. rangerdan
    I know you may be frustrated because you put the time and effort into getting these items, but in my opinion, i would rather not have a lot of the rewards that they give out, even though i have gotten some pretty awesome stuff for free.

    I would be a lot more happy if Sony would just update their stores a lot more often and not over charge for their content. If Sony would do this, I would spend atleast $20 U.S. A week, and be happy.
  10. EvilFluffyBunny

    Okay, I'm feeling a little better.