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  1. It seemed like I had spent years away from Home, for a while, but now that I am back... Everything feels alright and back to normal. My only issue is, getting over feeling overwhelmed by all of the rewards I have to catch up on. I think I used up most of my funds, too. Darn inner shop-a-holic in me. Lol.

    Anyway... I just hope that after I have deleted the Home file in Game Data Utility and then deleted and reinstalled Home, the Granzella space will function properly. It's been giving me a tough time, but only when I want to leave the space or go to my wardrobe.

    When I try to leave the space, it will take forever for me to leave or just freeze up. When in my wardrobe, it takes forever for me to get out of my wardrobe and change my clothes and other times, it'll just freeze.

    So hopefully, things will go a bit smoother, now. Haven't had many problems with other spaces, though. The ferris wheel likes to boot people out, I noticed, but that isn't as annoying as being stuck in Granzella. Lol.

    Things sure do look different, in Home. I have to admit, I felt like a total noob, when I first got back on there. But I have adjusted and have been exploring a lot and collecting as many rewards as I can.

    Anyway, before this post becomes a novel, I am going to test out the Granzella space, again, to see if I have resolved the issues I was having with it.


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  1. Kimilicious
    LoL .. Changing Clothes In Public Spaces Is A Bad Move .. Heh .. Well For Me .. Most Of The Time, I Freeze Instantly.

    I Love Granzella .. Can't Wait To See Their New Renovations When The Time Comes :p

    Anyway .. Its Great To Have Teh Bunneh Back In Home ;D .. We Can Poke ThreeD :eek:
  2. B_Claws
    In all actuality, the rewards were dropped all around the same time. I'm far behind on my rewards and I've been active! Good luck bunny :D
  3. theWook
    I know exactly how you feel, as I tend to be gone for weeks at a time for work, and try and rush to pick up rewards that I missed. Hope you have a blast, and will keep a Home eye out for you. :thumbup:
  4. Joanna
    Home will always be buggy it seems. Must be a lot of very new things for you given you've been away for awhile. Good to have you back! :)