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  1. Alot of people including myself found out about free realms because friends told us it was free. So I did what any gamer would do and downloaded it with the knowledge that is was free, but all of us assumed too early. I ventured on this roaming active gaming server and learned how payment is to permit further experiences. Soon after I bought a $5, 30 days membership and now i have decided to make others aware of its lacking qualities. For Example: When texting you are not allowed to simplify words by using single letters such as (U) and (R). Another issue is the fact that you can not use numbers while texting or even attempt to spell out numbers. The most talk about features are the games well bad news because they can be very kiddish. Last but not least the home decorating is frustrating and the decorating exceptions make no sense. The good qualities are for you to meet ppl like home, although ppl are usually occupied. There are so many games anyone could play it often for weeks not getting all trophies.


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  1. Mika40
    I agree shewolf free realms is for children seems like to me a baby WOW! yep trying to get your money Home got enough of mines I'll only play that as a free customer.
  2. Ultra
    Tried the free version and didn't like it much, cartoony graphics and can't customize your avatar much. Your name needs to be chosen from a pre-set list (or wait to verify custom name before you can play). From the first minute they try to sell you pricey things like pets and other items; felt like a bit of a cash grab to me. Combat and controls felt a bit basic as well.
  3. GOODY_2_SHOES_23
    I tried it too, with my friends, then saw the price list for everything and was like $$$WHAT??? lol.
  4. RedMoonSheWolf
    yep, i agree LOL:laugh: but im so glad that i never used a bank card with all that is going on
  5. ted2112
    It's a great game but I think it's more a younger kid thing. It's also seems to be a slippery slope with the money thing. Can't you hear it now? Mom whats our MasterCard number?" lol
  6. metaldruid12
    thanks for the info! I think I'll stick with the free version... if I play it anymore at all