To have in Playstation Home.Big Track, well, I'm talking about the old toy, a programmable vehicle, you could enter how far to go forward, how much to turn etc.Do I want the toy in Home? No not really, but the idea of programmable instructions, with dances, we'd be able to choreograph dance routines.If we had dummies! like mannequins, that were like robots/androids that we could program!if we had instruments we could have a programmable drum machine, but wait, what if we had the old...
We are so privileged in home, in that we get to talk to the devs, can you imagine that in any other artistic genre? even gaming, some moron makes agame and we have to suffer, hollywood decides what's cool,I could go on, moaning, but truth is we have a great opportunity with home.There are problems, how to please everybody, my idea of fun is not especially/necessary everyoneelses, plus our views on spaces, we all want something slightly different, added to that Sony's newly found hunger...
Sometimes in games, especially racing games we get told we're going the wrong way.In the case of Fallout 3, we'd have an insurmountable pile of rubble blocking our way, herding us the way the game devs wanted us to go :(certain Home devs will put in invisible walls..... again, :(In a genre, where the only limit in creation is imagination it is incredulous to block so much off, and the modern "run and gun" fps's are the biggest culprits, they imaginations is dead.In the 2d platformer...
Two things happened just now;people are talking about Kaz Hirai, I felt sure I recognised the name... it was because I saw him talk at e3 via PSHome live stream. Secondly, Media molecule tweeted about the musician who worked on thier game Tearaway, he also talked about Papa & Yo, I'd seen Papa & Yo related content in Home... took me a while to track it down, it was a rewzard from an e3 event in Home!Home is fantastic background advertising.
I love my Godilla animated theme. I usually keep away from animated theme, preferring to have a picture of my own choice, and I know themes use memory, but I do love Godzilla...A while ago, and my newer ps3 has a larger hard drive, my old ps3, I only just started to have the hard drive space full... but I am happy to delete a lot of games, to transfer videos, but "DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY MUSIC".today I got an animated cherry tree, fake windows and box beats, nature and horror.I like my...
Who can say? Well a big mouth lass like me! heheIt seems to me that Home is oft miss marketed and missused.Home is very suited to kitsch material. Home can be somewhat static, an unusual position for something on a games console, traditionally gaming is about doing, from Space invaders, to platformers to fps's, all involve continual tasking.Nb. Playstation Home now has tasking, which has added some impetous.But I like the idea of L.A. Noir, where they recreated the city of L.A as it...
Today I go an ugly deck chair from the dream yatch, an ugly table and a fossil (southern island), that I can't see the definition of too well.The ugly deck chair from the dreM yat h, and well, I love my Prarie home spaces from Lockwood, but at the yatchs and at their dream spaces we part company... Ewww, I mean... they could give us ugly deck clothes, or like ugly running shorts and "plimsoles"ewww 60's style yuck! hehe, it could be fun though :embarrassed :such rank style, but worse...
Thinking about home spaces, about what we'd like from them, about what we get.I really hate... and that is not quite the right thing to say.I find Lockwood Home spaces generally frustrating. I am most dismayed by the Dream island space. The reason for the dismay is that I like the concept, but meet with frustration at the invisible walls that Lockwood put up.We get a telescope, and we can use it to look at? Not a lot is the answer, the stars? No, birds nesting on cliffs? NoIn the...
I only did one challenge today.Hopefully I will level up by tommorow.One of the saddest things for me is having to please the devs, because sureley it should be the other way round, but all too often games are just a trudge, to accomplish tasks... in order to keep the devs in business?The challenges is a good idea overall, it has got people interacting and Sony get to offload content, and more content means more to chat about.