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What IS it that triggers a swarm of male avatars to surround a female one?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Cyarm, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Cyarm

    Cyarm Junior Member

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Seriously... there's so many different barriers there...

    One, you've gotta hope they speak the same language.

    Two, they've already been swamped by another 3000 male avatars, so you're not special or unique, considering the sea of guys the girl avatar user has had to deal with.

    Three, there's no guarantee that the person behind the avatar looks the same, or is even male.

    Really... what on Earth do they hope to get out of it? That the avatar they meet belongs to their soulmate, and they'll go off into the sunset together and get married and have babies? Nude pics? An e-relationship? Not freaking likely.

    The main reason I don't often talk to girl avatars, is because I'm sure the user is already sick of seeing Joe Blow ask "Hello, Where are you from?" (I'll note now that I don't use the L1 quick messages unless it's for yes/no/follow me.) Plus I'd feel like I was one of the perverts. Which is a shame, because most of the girls in Home that I HAVE spoken to, are far better conversationilists than the majority of males.

    I've tried walking around as a female avatar before just to see what it's like from their perspective. Good lord, there's so many assholes! Stalkers, rude talkers... good lord, if I were a girl, I'd never change from a male avatar. = /

    Thoughtpinions on the matter?
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I think it's mostly due to the miss understanding of what Home is, many class it has a game and due to that they act like its a game, there is also the lack of fear, that being many do not fear being banned for there actions within Home.

    The other side is, alot the time its young kids that should not be on Home anyway, that have been let on it with no understanding of life interactions.

    Home really needs someway of making new users understand what it really is, a basic "how to" on start up for the first time would be good and not just one that shows you how to move about like there is now.
  3. geomon19

    geomon19 Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Oh they understand real life alright but take society's rules out and you get the harassment and general perv behavior that you see in Home.
  4. Angel2902

    Angel2902 Angel2902

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Totally agree. Its like a swarm of guys around a girl sometime asking the same questions. I tend to avoid talking to the female avatars unless I know them do to the fact that a lot of them are under age and should not even be on home.

    There was one yesterday that was 13, sony need to try and stop this, although it is probably very difficult for them to do so.
  5. PiaCarot

    PiaCarot Cat Ballyhoo

    Jul 5, 2010
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    I have a fantastic new way of dealing with RA's... but I can;t tell you what it is :(

    Anyway they are just Kids... and the best thing to do is ignore and mute... though often I like to make it clear im old enough to be there mother and I also like to do my little bit to shame them!
  6. Orient 4 Ever

    Orient 4 Ever Anime Fan

    Jun 29, 2010
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    A lot of guy avatars seek to meet their future online girlfriend here, or perhaps just want to make friend with a real life girl. What they fail to realize is that perhaps 90% girl avatars are guys. I personally use a girl avatar, because they look much better, have better clothing, and make it easier to make friends with. I feel as long as I am honest with my friends about being a guy they will accept me for who I am and those who do not will never know what kind of friend I could have been. Home should always be about getting to making and hanging with friends, playing games, and just have fun. We should not judge others by what they play as, but instead of who they are inside. kindness is alway what draws me to my friends. Take care all.
  7. SFCCL-SALonghorn

    Jul 23, 2010
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    What?! She told me she was 18!!!
  8. Misaki_Asou

    Misaki_Asou Onee-chan

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I tend to find it quite funny, but annoying at times too, maybe they havent been outside once in their life so seeing this female body triggers something haha I dont mind a guy coming over to talk to me, but 90% of the times they do, they start calling me beautiful, babe etc with I HATE. And then they start doing the perv stuff.
  9. Raxstar

    Raxstar Member

    Feb 19, 2011
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    It's probly cuz they r huge attention seekers iv actuly seen ppl sit down in front of a girl wit their faces in her V n hope 4 a conv D:
  10. WaveLightning777

    Jan 15, 2011
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    ^Been the victim of it. The worst for me was once when I literally got chased around CP. Eventually after he found me in the corner of CP, I switched to my guy avatar in an attempt to make him go away.

    "So do you still want to do it?" was my reward for it. I fled the plaza after that ><
  11. Verbi Age

    Verbi Age Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Why do you want to be girl avatar to meet people because its easier to 'make friends' Why don't you be yourself a guy avatar and meet people and if they don't want to talk to you then you shouldn't want those people as your friend. So basicly what you are telling others is that you are changing the way you are to get friends that wouldn't take a 2nd look at you if you were dressed as a guy. Thats how I am seeing it . inIquote " Those who don't accept me will never know what kind of friend I could of been."
  12. Verbi Age

    Verbi Age Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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  13. WaveLightning777

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Now, I use a girl avatar too, and I'm a guy. Theres a few different reasons I prefer female avatars, not the least of which is they're slightly faster in movement. But to say something like that is just plain ignorant. So what if guys use girl avatars, or girls use guy avatars. To me, thats absolutely NO different from a girl playing Zelda/Uncharted, or a guy playing Metroid/Tomb Raider; in those cases, the player and the character are of different genders, so whats the difference between those and Home? Aside from the player needing to create the avatar, who becomes their inworld character, no different from Samus, Link, Lara or Nate, there is none.
  14. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    The only problem I really have with your post is that you didn’t quote his entire sentence, “I feel as long as I am honest with my friends about being a guy they will accept me for who I am and those who do not will never know what kind of friend I could have been.” If a guy uses a female avatar but is upfront and honest about it, then he really isn’t changing himself or deceiving anyone. There are legitimate reasons for guys to use female avatars, just as there are legitimate reasons for girls to use male avatars.

    The only difference I would note is that if a girl is using a male avatar, I don’t expect her to tell me, since the most common reason for doing it is to avoid harassment. I have female friends who used male avatars quite a bit when I first met them. Now that they know me however, they normally use female avatars. Usually the only exception to this is when another guy shows up who starts acting like a Neanderthal, in which case you’ll suddenly see those male avatars appear again like quills on a porcupine.

    With guys it’s a little different. Guys don’t have to worry about harassment. And normally I can spot a guy in a female avatar by looking at the way they’re dressed, watching the way they behave, and paying attention to the way they text. So if a guy tells me upfront what he’s doing, it’s really not an issue. For example, I have one friend who uses female avatars exclusively, told me right away, and also made several good impressions on me early on. So my attitude is that how he chooses to dress is none of my business.

    On the other hand, if a guy doesn’t tell me upfront, and I also see other indications of dishonesty, then he’s either not going on my friends list or will soon be deleted. It may seem like a double standard, but the reality is that guys who want to harass women often use female avatars for that reason, so in order to protect my female friends I don’t allow (straight) males on my friends list who are trying to pretend that they’re really female.
  15. Heavyn

    Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
    Valued Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Pervs do kinda make it hard to just enjoy home, but then again it makes you appreciate those rare friends that you gain from it, ehhh I thought being bald
    would help me with the perv problem, it kinda works for me though I think it does
    scare off some people who could be trying to be friends.
  16. Val Aysir

    Val Aysir Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I am surprised at the amount of people that don't use the report function. I don't know how effective it is - but it's there and should be used.
  17. Heavyn

    Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
    Valued Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    It kinda works, but to be honest not really cause you still see the guy
    and without blocking him you can still read what he is saying so it
    gets very annoying having to do all that work and still have to deal
    with the perv.
  18. Val Aysir

    Val Aysir Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    It's not an instant solution I agree - but as a last resort you can always teleport away and load into another instance of that area.
  19. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Ive made plenty of friends male n female, near where I live n on other side of planet, yh there are some freaks out there, click mute n ignore they tend to be gone when they get bored. Never gonna stop em, just dont play along which i see loads of people doing, as soon as they start click mute n ignore . ignored plenty in my time. perhaps new users should have limited access to certain areas only for the first month n these areas should be policed more to stop possible freaks. Then if yr banned u only get limited access for first month again.
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