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The Complex 2

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  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:

    The Complex 2

    Read more about this showcase item here...
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    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      +112 /7
      This is a well designed 3D virtual space that looks nice on your TV and..........well, I guess that's it. :D
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      +89 /13
      #3 ReccaWolf, Nov 8, 2013
      Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
      $3.49 for each space to complete the new complex. Seems a tad expensive than the first set of four rooms from the old complex. Bet they'll give you some furniture rewards for each space you purchase like before.

      Other than that, the personal space is a lot better than their old one.
    • musclemutt

      musclemutt Member

      Mar 5, 2012
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      Hey, remember the little plane overhead that surprises you in Santorini or the view of the town from your villa? They cost about the same as any single room of this latest Complex.

      I enjoyed the original War Room clubhouse with its animations, interactivity, and unique style, so I bought Complex 1.0 and had fun fixing it up, too.

      Now, after seeing the Complex 2.0 video [but possibly being premature], the remaining rooms are a pass for me:
      • The dreary view mocks the chief reason to have a Panoramic Room. Hint: It's not to verify that the pool's waves are the same scale as the ocean's. Sad, too, because Aurora proves nDreams capable of much finer texture and detail.
      • I can sit, and in water, too. Yawn. So much for interactivity. For comparison at a similar overall price see SeaClyff Retreat.
      • Not having to wait when moving between sections is welcome, but the prospect of decorating another place I'll have no pleasure visiting isn't.

      BTW I still like hanging around my nDreams Aurora sky island space. Drop by for some Landshark java and we'll listen to the piano player, then you can beat me at chess or help defend the place.
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      • Adrian

        Adrian Well-Known Member

        Sep 26, 2012
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        I went to the free apartment & had a good look around.

        so, we look underneath the staircase, nowt of interest. we look under the steps that lead to the apartment that has the fire thingumajig , we look under the steps, c'mon you must have wanted to, they have glass side panels... interesting? only for the fact there are two lights under there... not sure why if lights cannot even be switched on/off. From the same vantage we can see a pathway leading from one of the other apartments, to the garden apartment, so interesting because we might not have to walk through the main free section to get to other bits, which'd be nice.

        we then look at the panoramic view... the windows... not many reflections, but we look up and see roller blinds! but can we close the roller blinds?

        we go to the right, see hillside, and a reflection, something red in roughly an elongated "n" shape... is it a paraglider? A parachute? well, my imagination does work overtime, turns out it is a reflection from the fire thingumajig ! haha :)

        We go to the right again, we look up and see the kitchen... with a door at the side... can we go through the door? I don't think so, but cannot say for sure... it'd be a pantry? or a secret stair to an observatory room where we could look through a telescope and see constelations, planets etc. Sorry, if only it was a green door and there was laughter coming from behind it (Shakin' Stevens Green door song)

        Then we go to the centre... a glass floor... to look down at... a bed! because we like to watch people sleeping????!?!???

        I personally don't like the clean lines, hard cold surfaces of this apartment, but that is a matter of personal taste I feel... and I just wonder if nDreams might find a wider demographic... ie:- they had the war style clubhouse complex thing, but this is more luxurious apartment, which demographic is most likeley to succeed in home?
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        • Ariane Chavasse

          Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

          Mar 14, 2011
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          +28 /5
          I invited my friends to complex-2, But guests could not enter the additional rooms. they could see me in those extra rooms and can have talking with me. Does anyone know how to open the doors to those rooms for the guests?:banghead:

          The Complex 2, Ariane Chavasse, Nov 9, 2013, 6:52 AM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2013-11-09 06-10-46.jpg
          • Informative Informative x 1
          • HOPPER_34

            HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

            Oct 24, 2010
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            +112 /7
            Joey from nDreams posted this Ari: :)

            "Hi All,

            So I hope you like the preview area of the complex 2 apartment. We have been told of a couple of issues though...

            - Owners when you purchase a new area you need to quit out of the apartment and back in for it to be unlocked (and get rewards if you have purchased all 4)

            - Visitors to your apartment aren't able to access any areas even if the owner has purchased them.

            Now, pretty horrible issues I know. None of this occured during QA so just shows the difference between a test environment and a live one! We are working on this now, so apologies for the issues and it will be resolved ASAP.



            nDreams Digital Product Manager"
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            • Ariane Chavasse

              Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

              Mar 14, 2011
              Likes Received:
              +28 /5
              Thanks , Hopper.
              I can get what is going now. I will wait for their early solving the problems.

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