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Slay Mini Tutorial

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Apollo_Decertus, Jul 6, 2012.

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  1. Apollo_Decertus

    Apollo_Decertus Holder of the Sun

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Worked on this on my own and through my own experiences for anyone who is new at playing it and wants to get a basic understanding on how to play.

    The main objective is to take over the whole board with your color, as you might've already gotten. The are capitols, the hexagons that carry currency into the field for the varies types of soldiers or armory. There are four types (regular soldier, mech, jet, and big robot) lol sorry if I don't know their names. Anyways as you go up in level (put a soldier over another) it will create a mech, put another soldier over, it will create a jet, another soldier on top of that will create a big robot.

    Per capitol it gains income with more conquered hexagons connected to your area. The larger the unit, the more money it takes to operate it. (Try to only use soldiers unless you NEED a larger unit, and use that large unit for multiple attacks, unless needed as well) Once you connect two of your capitols they will boost your income and put them together for one large sum of currency. Keep a close eye of invading teams that are trying to deteriorate that link. If cut and you have a unit stored in the left over remaining capitol, if there is not enough money left over it will cease to run and become a pile of debris, that in the next turn will become a snake thing or crawly spider lol (those take up money, so if it's inside your current capitol, cover it with a regular solider if possible). If the connection between your capitols is cut and the remaining unit is left without a capitol it will demolished.

    To win you should advance towards enemy area with the right unit. The lowest unit soldier (2 wages per turn) can only take up enemy space that is not guarded, if there is another soldier there it will not be able to advance, it also cannot take over an enemy capitol.

    The next unit, a mech (6 wages per turn) can advance and take over a hexagon with a enemy soldier on top of it or a enemy's capitol. When a mech jumps over a captiol the capitol will try to move to the next possible vacant square (if yellow has 20 hexagons of connected space it will back up on to an available space) Mechs cannot advance further into territory if there is a mech around the capitol.

    The next highest is a jet, these take up a considerable large sum (18 wages per turn) of income so be very careful it can deplete your money and leave you without defense and cost you your game if you don't have enough hexagons. The units however can take over spaces with mechs on them and destroy capitols. Jets cannot advance if there is an enemy jet in front of it.

    The biggest unit is the one that looks like a bi-pedal this takes up 54 wages per turn! so If you don't have a large area covered don't use until the very end. These units can take over jet hexagons

    There are also forts, they defend while not requiring any income, use this towards your advantage.

    The best way to beat the game is to leave the capitols no space to move to and corner them. Aim for capitols with only two spaces, if there's one with three connected and a soldier like this (_)(X)(O) x being a soldier and O capitol, take control of X with your mech and it will close down the capitol.

    You want to reach as much possible territory as possible to gain more income. Keep in mind that other teams are doing so as well, if you allow them to group together a large area it will become harder and harder to break down there defenses, and almost impossible when you don't have enough income to defend against them. It's a good idea to split enemy territory in two then four so they will not have enough to maintain their offensive units into your conquered territory.


    If you have any questions ask.
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