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PS4 4.0 Firmware Details and PS Neo date

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ReccaWolf, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Sony has revealed details of the 4.00 system update for PlayStation 4, which will refresh the console's user interface, update menus, add folders and more.

    Codenamed 'Shingen', the update will soon enter the public beta testing phase, with a full release to follow at an unspecified date. Here's a full changelist:

    • UI Refresh - Designed to offer a "more refined and easy to use" interface, changes include a new What's New menu, new system backgrounds, updated pop-ups and new system icons. Sony stresses that it will retain the look and feel of the current UI.
    • Quick Menu - The quick menu (accessed by holding the PS button) now only covers a portion of the screen, and adds online friend statuses as well as shortcuts to other menus, like Parties - it can also be customised to include your most-needed shortcuts.
    • Share Menu - Also made to cover a portion of screen, Share now also saves your last uploaded-to social network, and ups the maximum length of Twitter videos from 10 to 140 seconds.
    • Folders and Library - Folders can now be created on the main menu and Library. The Library will also now only show games and apps currently installed on the system, with a new tab, Purchased, containing all uninstalled but owned content. New sorting options have also been added to the Library.
    • Trophies - Your trophy collection can now be viewed offline, while players can choose to reveal the name and text on a Hidden Trophy if they wish.
    • User Profile - User profiles now allow you to compare yourself with other players, while bespoke background images can be added as personalisation.
    Sony adds in its blog post about the update that these are only features being added for the beta, and more will be added for the full release. More word should come on those in "the coming weeks".

    The PS4 will be getting a slightly more substantial update in the near future, with the codenamed PS4 Neo due to be revealed early next month.
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