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Juggernaut New From Juggernaut Games - 3-20-13

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Swing into spring with the Juggernaut Games Springtime Adventure Pack! The active swing set and carousel are the perfect way to spend a spring day. Bring your favorite spring blooms to any space with 3 sizes of customizable flower beds and the Spring Bouquet which allows you to place up to 20 flower vases for only 6 furniture slots! You can host an egg hunt for your friends, or fling confetti-filled eggs at them with the Cascarones active item. There are also plenty of bunnies, birds and some sweet treats too!

    New From Juggernaut Games - 3-20-13, kwoman32, Mar 12, 2013, 7:12 PM,, jpg, Spring_256x368.jpg
    New From Juggernaut Games - 3-20-13, kwoman32, Mar 12, 2013, 7:12 PM,, jpg, Spring_684x384.jpg
    Item Descriptions :
    Egg Hunt: This active item allows you to hide eggs anywhere in your
    apartment and create your own egg hunt.

    Bunny Den: Releases bunnies that wander around your apartment (watch
    out for the Easter Bunny or a Jackalope).

    Bird Perch: This perch contains animated birds that fly around your apartment.

    Bird's Nest: Contains an animated bird.

    Cascarones: Throw confetti filled-eggs at your friends!

    Easter Basket: Awards a sweet treat to you and your friends.

    Swing Set: A working swingset.

    Carousel: A working carousel for 4 riders.

    Spring Bouquet: Place up to 20 flower filled vases around your apartment.

    Flower Bed - Round: A small customizable flower bed (choose flower
    type, color, and position)

    Flower Bed - Square: A medium customizable flower bed (choose flower
    type, color, and position)

    Flower Bed - Rectangle: A large customizable flower bed (choose flower
    type, color, and position)

    Bunny Companion

    Jackalope Companion

    Easter Bunny Companion

    Flower Rug


    Flower Rug $0.49 0.49 €
    Bunny Companion $0.99 0.99 €
    Easter Bunny Companion $0.99 0.99 €
    Jackalope Companion $0.99 0.99 €
    Egg Hunt $1.99 1.99 €
    Bunny Den $1.49 1.39 €
    Cascarones $1.99 1.99 €
    Easter Basket $0.99 0.99 €
    Swing Set $1.99 1.99 €
    Bird Perch $1.49 1.39 €
    Bird's Nest $1.49 1.39 €
    Carousel $1.99 1.99 €
    Spring Bouquet $1.99 1.99 €
    Flower Bed - Round $1.99 1.99 €
    Flower Bed - Square $1.99 1.99 €
    Flower Bed Rectangle $1.99 1.99 €
    Springtime Adventure Pack $14.99 12.99 €

    Check out all of the items in our Juggernaut Games thread - CLICK HERE

    NOTE : The release date given as 3-13 by Juggernaut was an "oops".
    It should have been 3-20 and it will be released on that date.
    • Like Like x 2
    • drake21734

      drake21734 Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Feb 5, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +45 /11
      Definatly want that swing. Bites the ears off all the chocolate bunnies and puts them back.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +261 /59
      Yeah is some nice items, i was hoping the swing in the farm moved but ill let jug off with that one due to all this new content. Might film some of it tonight.
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