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Kingdom Hearts Hd 1.5 Remix

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by avilesc, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. avilesc

    avilesc 8Bit Gamer

    May 23, 2011
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    +3 /1
    So I've been playing this jewel of a throw back and I have some good and bad things to say about it. In a nut shell its an amazing revamp on graphics with added content (Final Mix).

    For those of you who don't know KH Final Mix was basically there answer to JP complaining that the US Version of the Original KH on PS2 had more content. So they gave them all we had and more with Final Mix. But then Final Mix never made it to America, until now! In Final Mix you get new color schemes to enemies, extra boss battles, extra weapons, extra cut-scenes, and more. So yeah Final Mix being on KH 1.5 is a big deal. The problem is right here though. Its the only REAL game on this set. Why?

    Well anyone who has followed the KH series like me knows what the deal with Chain of Memories is. It was dubbed the worst game in the series. Not for graphic or story but for game play. This is when they decided for some strange reasons to change from a fluid Action RPG style to attacking using cards that resemble a battle of "War" (the card game). This is not saying its a bad game all together, but they could have chosen something else to fill that spot. Maybe a Birth by Sleep HD?

    Last we have the biggest disappointment. After much rumors of whether this was true or not, I found out first hand. Yes, even a GameStop employee told me otherwise! 358/2 Days IS ONLY CUT SCENES! Oh how great it would have been to play this game on PS3, but nope just cut scenes.

    So lets go back to the title, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 hmmm. Yup that's exactly what it is. Its KH1 with added features, a bonus game, and a closer look at story threw 358/2. Aside from some issues the game is just as amazing as it first was. The improved graphics and sound just add to that already nostalgic love of the game. Also bringing the Final Mix version brings some amazing new experiences to a classic story.

    I recommend this game despite the minuses. This is a series that can always support its own. The story is a epic experience that anyone who appreciates such should play. And if you haven't played any KH yet, now is a good time to start!
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