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Asia Final Challenge from Money God Family — Daily Schedule

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron_Brain, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #1 Baron_Brain, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
    Final Challenge from Money God Family
    February 28th – March 19, 2014

    Congratulations to all participants…
    hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

    Entropy has unavoidably (and thankfully) returned our time-space
    continuum back to its chaotic normality, along with the blessed gifts
    of proper uninterrupted sleep and the freedom to do other things.

    To quote filmmaker extraordinaíre Harold Ramis (RIP)
    and his creation, weatherman Phil Connors:

    ADDENDUM (03.26.2014)
    SCEAsia has released the final scoring details for the event — for details
    see: Message of the Day (03.26.2014) and PlayStation.Blog Asia Posting (03.28.2014) below.

    And frankly, I'm seriously pissed at the results, as are many others.

    I've lost all respect for the PSHome Asia Management team (and even Granzella a little)
    due to their utter lack of response and/or action regarding those blatantly cheating following the
    initial purging (i.e. scoring resets). It was fairly obvious which players were cheating — rising
    5-10+ ranks each day? I think not. — and some were even bragging about it where all could hear.

    This was an official Money God event, not one for Liar Game
    "Deception Is Not The Name Of The Game."

    SCEAsia/Granzella know which users cheated during the second portion— they were even
    given detailed reports on those who did it repeatedly event after event — yet they've done nothing.
    They are completely lacking in honor.

    The same could be said of several users many long swore were honorable and would never
    stoop to cheating — apparently we've been sadly mistaken (and they can cry "innocent" all they wish, as video proof of their cheating/exploiting does exist). Apparently that need to get those rewards and false "congratulatory" wishes far outweighs any sense of fair play.

    SCEAsia & Granzella have a responsibility to all users who played through the event fairly
    and expected correct ranking results — just ignoring it isn't the way to accomplish that.
    Shame on you, PSHome Asia Management team.[/fieldset]

    The exploit was patched by Granzella/SCEAsia early on Mar. 5th,
    with the board being readjusted late on Mar. 6th/7th!
    Certain known cheaters were seen re-attempting this, but they failed! Hah hah! :ROFLMAO:
    Unfortunately, additional exploit problems still exist — for details, see
    New MG Points Exploit section under Event Issues below).

    Message of the Day (03.04.2014)

    Dear users,
    Thank you for playing the Final Event.

    We noticed that there are some users that are accumulating MG Points in irregular methods, and set exploiting or have exploited this on purpose. This is unacceptable and action will be taken against these users and those who spread this exploit to other users.
    The date In which we will take action will be announced at a later date.

    If you know how to exploit this issue but have not done so, we ask that you refrain from doing so.
    Should you exploit this issue, you too will be subject to our action at a later date.

    Please report to customer services if you find someone exploiting these irregularities
    (Press SELECT Button and select "Submit a report" to do this.)

    We would like to apologize for the recent irregularities in this game. Please continue to enjoy the Final Event.

    PSHome Asia team


    Message of the Day (03.07.2014)

    "Regarding Users that Engaged in Irregular Activities in the Final Event"

    Thank you for playing PlayStation®Home
    We would like to apologize for the confusion caused by a program deficiency in the Final Event.

    We unfortunately have done the following actions to,the users that have accumulated MG Points in up irregular methods, and have exploited this on purpose:

    ▼Action Date
    7th March 2014 (Friday)

    ▼Reason for Action
    Intentional and repeated exploration of program deficiency resulting in MG point delivery for personal gains over others.

    ▼Action Details
    Their ranking record up to the Action Date will be deleted.
    ※After the action has been taken, those users can participate in the event from the beginning again.

    We hope you will continue playing and enjoying the event.
    We will still try our best to make this event enjoyable and fair for everyone; updates will be sent out as new developments come in.

    PlayStation®Home Asia Management Team

    [/article]As you can see from the above MOTD, Granzella/SCEAsia fixed the MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" located in the Granzella Plaza in Twilight space. They removed all scores obtained purposely by exploits/cheating. The first of several scoreboard corrections rolled out around 11:00 PM PST.

    But Granzella/SCEAsia left out a few important points from their announcement.

    • All users who were found guilty of exploiting/cheating were also banned from PlayStation®Home Asia, although some (if not all) were unbanned after a two-day period. Since these users were prohibited from logging in — at least for a couple days — they couldn't replay the event quite as suggested.
    • The scoreboard still had at least one exploiter score remaining listed. Granzella was notified of this, so hopefully this error will be removed/reset when the final scores are released next week.
    • Several notable users were also removed/reset on the scoreboard during this first purge. Previously believed to be an error as they were considered users with outstanding character who were beyond reproach, evidence now suggests most (if not all) were purposely boosting their scores. Independent sources corroborated Granzella's decisions, charting instances when said users were seen purposely & repeatedly employing the second exploit, thus rising far too rapidly in rankings a second time (see New MG Points Exploit section under Event Issues below).

    Message of the Day (03.26.2014)


    Granzella Inc. × Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. presents
    PlayStation®Home Final Event
    Final Challenge from Money God Family ~then off to PlayStation®4~

    The winner's Online ID is finally posted at the big screen next to the
    entrance of Adventure District in Home Square!
    The top 3 winners will be contacted via e-mail on or after 26th March.
    Other users that have appeared on the ranking board will be contacted via system message on or after 26th March.

    Final Challenge from Money God Family — Daily Schedule, Feb 26, 2014, 10:18 PM,, 9472

    SCEAsia Official Top 100 "Mostly Bullshit" Listing
    (as it includes known cheaters/exploiters)
    PlayStation.Blog Asia Posting (03.28.2014)

    PlayStation®Home Final Event Winner Announcement
    Posted by: PSN Communication Manager
    Category: PlayStation Network > PlayStation Home
    Region: SG, MY, TH, ID

    Granzella Inc. × Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. presents - the PlayStation® Home Final Event has come to the end. Thank you for all PS Home fans' participation & here are the 100 winners who got the highest points in the event:

    Final Challenge from Money God Family — Daily Schedule, Feb 26, 2014, 10:18 PM,, 9472

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}1. PS4™ console (with PlayStation®Camera)
    2. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    3. PlayStation®Plus 12 Month Membership *
    4. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    5. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items
    (1st Runner up)
    {td}1. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    2. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition full game (Downloadable English Ver.)
    3. PlayStation®Plus 3 Month Membership. *
    4. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    5. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items)
    {td=right} 3
    (2nd Runner up)
    {td}1. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    2. PlayStation®Plus 1 Month Membership. *
    3. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    4. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items)

    Prizes for top 4-30 winners:
    Money God Family's Replica Costume & Money God Family's Figure (PS Home Virtual items)

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td} JACKY_CK_76{/td}
    {td} AgentMyi{/td}
    {td} spiker10{/td}
    {td} l-HkcKA3-l{/td}
    {td} Lynn_Shaomay{/td}
    {td} zerosprit{/td}
    {td} Produced_by_Hk{/td}
    {td} Uno201X{/td}
    {td} NeoReplica{/td}
    {td} Silverhawk78M{/td}
    {td} alexinsc{/td}
    {td} MoonlightShadow0{/td}
    {td} jebrilesmar{/td}
    {td} sam_reynoldsHK{/td}
    {td} gosmash7{/td}
    {td} DragonMinder{/td}
    {td} MaochungChan{/td}
    {td} wnteng{/td}
    {td} DCS-HK{/td}
    {td} spica_astraia{/td}
    {td} Crow-queen2{/td}
    {td} fourthfour{/td}
    {td} shadow1537-HK{/td}
    {td} Clawbone2{/td}
    {td} MrHongKong007Pig{/td}
    {td} santa590_ASIA{/td}
    {td} yoloo2003134_-TW{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}

    Prize for top 31-100 winners:
    Money God Family's Figure (PS Home Virtual items)

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td} C_B_R-RR-_-hk{/td}
    {td} CRYSTAL_CMC{/td}
    {td} XNightWisperX{/td}
    {td} mofu_tw{/td}
    {td} Jon-0220{/td}
    {td} Adi_Zairy{/td}
    {td} eric750503{/td}
    {td} Break-ing{/td}
    {td} Shirakuza{/td}
    {td} SG_TAILES{/td}
    {td} A17251725{/td}
    {td} Julie-Bee_hk{/td}
    {td} BaronBrainHK{/td}
    {td} X_neilc010_X{/td}
    {td} ANILEGNA_HK{/td}
    {td} yoshiooo_4{/td}
    {td} Shuizzhuo{/td}
    {td} The_Silver_moon2{/td}
    {td} YukuSuperRakan{/td}
    {td} Benawat_HK{/td}
    {td} mainstream2848{/td}
    {td} MEGU_hk{/td}
    {td} SwEeTpEaCh4EvEr{/td}
    {td} yuhsiang{/td}
    {td} KyouDASH{/td}
    {td} dragonmazter375{/td}
    {td} seven_of_nine1{/td}
    {td} Kadokura16go{/td}
    {td} maya14344{/td}
    {td} simura-o-{/td}
    {td} aimansam905{/td}
    {td} Harvey_La_Jay{/td}
    {td} Niagnos{/td}
    {td} oscaroscar11{/td}
    {td} phthalato{/td}
    {td} l_benavidez69{/td}
    {td} THJOCK-C-LU{/td}
    {td} AndersonWKYiu{/td}
    {td} Xiangtenten{/td}
    {td} james_wan_hk{/td}
    {td} stevev363hk{/td}
    {td} podfox_26{/td}
    {td} HK_ReccaWolf{/td}
    {td} SmileyMe139{/td}
    {td} mikegibbs001{/td}
    {td} Kumitori_Benjo{/td}
    {td} wayneson_25{/td}
    {td} mimyazalya{/td}
    {td} AmicusMeus{/td}
    {td} zerosound1008{/td}
    {td} mO_onymoon{/td}
    {td} lets_do_this01{/td}
    {td} Superhonda999{/td}
    {td} Xx_Kimberly{/td}
    {td} Empress_Joey{/td}
    {td} kayspwing{/td}
    {td} flyleaf27{/td}
    {td} Monarch-1981{/td}
    {td} Tw-Yt_hk{/td}
    {td} abczhk{/td}
    {td} virjoytom{/td}
    {td} PuppetColay{/td}
    {td} mr_man_From_S_C{/td}
    {td} onmode_dash_tw{/td}
    {td} sejahgadindi{/td}
    {td} luckyding{/td}
    {td} LONGLIFEE{/td}
    {td} madmanxp{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}
    {td} gloomy77{/td}
    {td} james_tri07{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}

    The top 3 winners will be contacted via e-mail on or before 4 April 14.

    * All downloadable full games, PS Plus membership & PS Home virtual items will be sent to winners in form of voucher codes via PS3™ system message on 11 April 14.

    For any enquiry, please contact our customer service representative.


    Unofficial Top 60-ish "More Realistic" Listing
    (with known cheaters/exploiters purged)
    Unfortunately, SCEAsia/Granzella dishonored themselves greatly in the end, rewarding many who cheated/exploited the event scoring. They apparently didn't have the 金玉 to do the right thing and purge those scores a second final time. Following are more accurate Final Event Winner ranking lists, with proven cheaters/exploiters removed.

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    (1st Runner up)
    {td=right} 3
    (2nd Runner up)

    Real top 4-30 winners:
    Those users who should have won the Money God Family's Replica Costume & Money God Family's Figure (PS Home Virtual items)

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}

    Real top 31-100 winners:
    Those users who should have won the Money God Family's Figure (PS Home Virtual items)

    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td} TBD{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td} {/td}

    So there you have it.

    To all those who resisted every urge to purposely take advantage of this event through cheating/exploiting, you are commended. Since SCEAsia refused to purge the cheaters/exploiters from the final scoring, the above listing exists as an truer "unofficial" record of ranking achievements.

    As for the rest — those whose names were removed — you only have your own actions to blame, nobody else's. Tough darts. You tainted this Asia send-off event for all honest players, and you should be ashamed of yourselves… but it's doubtful you are.


    Event Issues:
    Note: This "Final Challenge from Money God Family" event has suffered various glitches & exploits:
    • Exploits / Hackers: As many players already suspected due to the sudden appearance of ridiculously high MG Points on the scoreboard, certain unscrupulous gamers are using exploits/cheats to boost their rankings. One suspected cheat was confirmed beyond a doubt on Mar. 3rd by a few concerned users. Please note: Not all top scoring users are exploiters/cheaters — some scores were inflated due to server glitches caused by the exploits of others some users are simply far better players than others. However, there were no score-doubling glitches — claims of any such scoring glitches were proven to be untrue, as they were the result of a known score-doubling exploit. As you can see by today's "Message of the Day" from Sony (Mar. 4th), they've also confirmed that these exploiters/cheaters do exist, and promised they will be strictly dealt with. All I can say to that is good! Very glad those users will get exactly the penalty they so richly deserve… good riddance! NOTE: this specific exploit was patched by Granzella/SCEAsia with the March 5th maintenance update, yet additional problems still exist (see New MG Points Exploit below). Certain known cheaters/hackers were seen attempting the exploit yet again, and they failed! Hah hah! :ROFLMAO: They'll get what they deserve in the end…
    • New MG Points Exploit: As If the previous exploit wasn't bad enough, a few unscrupulous users have been spotted utilizing a alternate new exploit which adds extra MG Points to their score. Not only does this give them an unfair advantage, but it taints the overall event and ruins the experience for honest players. Just examine the daily scoreboard… some users are rapidly rising up by 8-10+ rank levels each day, where the average expected gain based on the scores might be 2-3 levels maximum (certain "trusted" members of this site have been forcing their way up the scoreboard in this manner). Further, it would be nigh-impossible for all but the most-experienced player to add 100k-120K+ each event day unless they had perfect runs and a Money God who dropped only high-level gold coins during each run. No user can be that fast or accurate for every run! Players seen doing these have been noted & reported to Granzella/SCEAsia for hopeful disciplinary action. This exploit is becoming ever more widespread amongst players, with confirmed sightings of 25 36 40 repeated offenders employing this.
    • Everyone's Picture!: The booths occasionally fail to reward you with the promised 2000 MG Point daily bonus. Some users reported this glitch, and I can confirm it does exist — my daily photo op for Mar. 2nd at Glittering Sands Beach just bombed out, giving me a mere 1 S-Point reward (you owe me another 2000 MGP Granzella!). Recca told me he was also jilted once near the event start.
    • Feb. 26th: An event glitch reset my own score, altered my ranking so it became placed at ~100 ranks lower than it was previously. It also affected my scoring ability, so it now barely increased after playing. During one such game, my score became stuck at 8P right at the start… and even though I was grabbing loads of coins/combos and came in First. my score still only went up those 8 MGP without the bonus. Argh! (That having occurred, I saw no point in continuing this event, and stopping playing until Feb. 28th. After a couple additional messed-up plays, my scores suddenly began working correctly again! Hope it continues to do so…).
    • Feb. 28th: During the 11:00 PM PST instance at Granzella Plaza in Twilight, the event failed miserably. Money God Sister crashed — badly — when she became stuck just before heading down the ramp to the main floor. Sister continued running madly in the same spot until the last user left this instance. She left a huge trail of coins behind her when this occurred, none of which could be grabbed. (I've uploaded a few pics of this; they can be found on Page 2 of this thread). What a disaster for all involved — in addition to crashing everything else in the space (nothing in the instance worked afterwards), nobody got their MG Points either!
    • Feb. 28th: Following the aforementioned 11:00 PM PST crash at Granzella Plaza in Twilight, another major glitch occurred there with the MG Point scoreboard, when it reset the top scores twice, moving our own ReccaWolf up to 1st Place with an added 200,000+ MGP (give or take). Nice for Recca, but another black mark on the overall event.
    • Mar. 1st: Another major ranking glitch occurred this night (exact time not yet known).
    • Mar. 3rd: During the 9:00 PM PST instance at Granzella Plaza in Twilight, Money God Sister crashed yet again, this time by the main floor central fountain. Same deal, she became stuck, yet continued running madly in the same spot until the last user left. She left a huge trail of coins in place, trailing uncontainable coins, and crashed the instance. for a second time here, nobody received their deserved MG Points!

    Helpful (?) Hints:
    • First Things First: Go to Home Square and take the "PlayStation®4 Quiz" at the Money God statue in the plaza center. Completing this very easy quiz nabs you the "Money God Radar" item, which helps you locate the MG coins dropped during the event. (If you have it, the item will be auto-equipped during the event; the actual item is found within your Furniture > Ornaments section…).
    • 2000 Daily Bonus MG Points: You can grab an extra 2000 MG Points once daily by taking your picture at any of the three special Everyone's Picture! booths..
    • Ranking: You start the event with a single ★. You get an additional ★ rank for every 10.000 MG Points your earn towards your total score.
    • MG Points Ranking Board: The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" was located in the Granzella Plaza in Twilight space, but was removed following the final event day. See the MG Points Ranking Board Archived Scores in the next section for the last known Top 10 scores + ª few others. Bonus Ranking Rewards are as follows:
    {td=left} 1. PS4™ console (with PlayStation®Camera)
    2. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    3. PlayStation®Plus 12 Month Membership
    4. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    5. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items)
    {td=left} 1. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    2. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition full game (Downloadable English Ver.)
    3. PlayStation®Plus 3 Month Membership.
    4. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    5. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items)
    {td=left} 1. inFAMOUS Second Son full game (Downloadable localized Ver.)
    2. PlayStation®Plus 1 Month Membership.
    3. Money God Family's Replica Costume (PS Home Virtual items)
    4. Money God Family's Figures (PS Home Virtual items)
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures{/td}
    {td=right}All Rankings{/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™{/td}

    MG Points Ranking Board Archived Scores:
    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 17th-148h @ 9:00 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=right} 3{/td}
    {td=left};) :hug:{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} It's my page, so there… :inpain: :sleep:{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 16th–17th @ 10:00 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=right} 3{/td}
    {td=left};) :hug:{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} It's my page, so there… :inpain: :sleep:{/td}
    {td=left} :thumbup: Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 15th–16th @ 1:00 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=right} 3{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} It's my page, so there… :sleep:{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 14th-15th @ 8:40 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td} kanwolf88{/td}
    {td=right} 1307653{/td}
    {td} XIAOYU-_-PANDA{/td}
    {td=right} 1212839{/td}
    {td} brokeneon{/td}
    {td=right} 1161186{/td}
    {td} JACKY_CK_76{/td}
    {td=right} 1061121{/td}
    {td} Lynn_Shaomay{/td}
    {td=right} 1008412{/td}
    {td} jebrilesmar{/td}
    {td=right} 1000374{/td}
    {td} spiker10{/td}
    {td=right} 895107{/td}
    {td} Produced_by_HK{/td}
    {td=right} 839969{/td}
    {td} Crow-queen2{/td}
    {td=right} 832057{/td}
    {td} NeoReplica{/td}
    {td=right} 823198{/td}
    {td} Clawbone2{/td}
    {td=right} 485343{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=right} 34{/td}
    {td} BaronBrainHK{/td}
    {td=right} 423160{/td}
    {td=left} It's my page, so there… :sleep:{/td}
    {td} Souryu-Ice{/td}
    {td=right} 75046{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=right} 578{/td}
    {td} chyntan{/td}
    {td=right} {/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 13th-14th @ 8:40 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 12th-13th @ 10:00 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 11th-12th @ 10:00 AM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 10th-11th @ 3:50PM.PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 9th-10th @ 3:50PM.PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 8th-9th @ 3:30:00 PMPST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 7th-8th @ 2:00 PM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100) {/td}
    {td=right}484 {/td}
    {td}Dr-Hiro-Shiba {/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks) {/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 6th-7th @ 8:21a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" (mostly) CORRECT rankings as readjusted by Granzella/SCEAsia to remove the exploiter/cheater scores… but with a couple very notable errors — LoveMachine-2013 and HK_ReccaWolf were both removed off the board without having their correct scores reinstated AND were subsequently banned along with the actual cheaters. Their ridiculously-high previous scores were unintentionally altered as a side effect of others using the exploit (Granzella needs to correct this huge injustice!) Evidence now suggests most (if not all) were purposely boosting their scores (for additional information, please see the notes following Granzella's 03.07.2014 MOTD at the top of this thread:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 5th-6th @ 8:21a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT exploit/glitch-affected rankings — the Top 10 scores here aren't even remotely correct (except for those two listed cheaters whom I doubt need naming):
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left}I have no idea who might have used the exploit…{/td}
    {td=left}…anyone have any guesses?{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 4th-5th@ 8:30a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT exploit/glitch-affected rankings — the Top 5 scores here aren't even remotely correct (except for those two listed cheaters whom I doubt need naming):
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left}I have no idea who might have used the exploit…{/td}
    {td=left}…anyone have any guesses?{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 3rd-4th @ 8:30a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT exploit/glitch-affected rankings — the Top 5 scores here aren't even remotely correct (except for two listed cheaters whom I doubt need naming):
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=right} 739697{/td}
    {td} Typhoon_Aroon{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 2nd-3rd @ 8:30a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT rankings AFTER yet another event space server glitch occurred:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My own current non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Mar. 1st-2nd @ 8:30a PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT rankings AFTER yet another event space server glitch occurred:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My new non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Feb. 28th @ ~11:05PM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board" with INCORRECT rankings AFTER the event space server glitch occurred:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} My new non-server-mangled score… :)!{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    • MG Points Ranking Board (Feb. 28th @ 10:05 PM PST): The MG Points "Granzella Plaza Ranking Board with CORRECT top rankings just before the server glitch occurred:
    {td}Online ID{/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Replica Costume (Rank 1-30){/td}
    {td=left} Money God Family's Figures (Rank 1-100){/td}
    {td=left} My continuing server-mangled score… :finger::finger:{/td}
    {td=left} Granzella original Custom Theme for PS3™ (All Ranks){/td}

    Sterling Malory Archer
    "For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God.
    Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails.
    Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon.
    Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +89 /13
      Asia Final User is seriously a hacker. He/she needs to be reported.
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      It's Money God Recca.... was on there from the instant the board went live... Granzella's having a bit of fun.

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my Braincom or BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +89 /13
      #4 ReccaWolf, Feb 27, 2014
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
      Ah, that fooled me then! XD

      I think the max score would be 999,999, so then reaching that will secure your position, like Kikai event.
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      Updated for Feb. 27-28th… (see first post)
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +89 /13
      I tried to get my daily picture taken before the event today, but it didn't reward me any bonus points. I think you need to wait until the event starts or during the event to have your picture taken for the bonus.
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      #7 Baron_Brain, Feb 27, 2014
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
      I could sure use some bonuses…

      I got soooo screwed over by a server glitch yesterday. Realized something was wrong when my score showed I had only earned 8P total, even though I could see I was grabbing coins worth way more than that. And after the third Southern Island Hideaway. event, I actually had MG points deducted, so my total MGP is currently lower than what I had earned during my wry first event round.

      So not fair by any means.

      Talk about being pissed and frustrated — I'm supposed to be earning points, not losing them!. I really hope this doesn't occur again, otherwise I might as well bid my farewell to Asia Home immediately. Literally no point playing if such issues continue to manifest….

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      Forgot to ask…

      What does the daily photo nab you point-wise… and can you get that bonus from each of the four booths daily, or just the first per day? (Pretty sure I have some GZ points leftover from Kikai still.)

      Thanks in advance!

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +89 /13
      #9 ReccaWolf, Feb 27, 2014
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
      It's 2000 points.

      Plus, I found out after 7pm EST, you can get the bonus from the booths.
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      Once only? Or 2000 at each booth for 8000 MGP total?

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
    • stevev363

      stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

      May 2, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +12 /0
      2000 per day, you must use the money god border with all 4 on the left to get the 2000 credit. You can only get it from 1 picture booth per day. ;)
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +21 /1
      #12 Baron_Brain, Feb 28, 2014
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
      Thanks for the info guys, but it's all moot now, as I've quit the event completely. No point continuing any further when my score is so impacted thanks to the mangling the damned server has done to my account. Total waste of… everything now. Judging from the last few scorings, the booths would probably register as a mere 20MGP instead of 2000 MGP,

      Anyway, thanks again for the info. Hope you all have fun and do well.

      Me? Gonna do something far more productive than Money God — going to grab some chips & fresh guacamole and catch up on some missed shows… And perhaps flip Sony a few well-deserved birds, along with a fig or two for good measure. ;)


      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
      • Like Like x 1
      • stevev363

        stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

        May 2, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +12 /0
        Well I was surprised that even though I quit at midnight my rank went no lower than 41! :joyful: I'll keep at it but won't fight the sandman on this event. :yawn:
      • ReccaWolf

        ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

        Jan 16, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +89 /13
        Baron, I do hope you'll continue posting the times for us, can you?
      • Shaundi

        Shaundi Third Street Saints
        Valued Member

        Jan 16, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +44 /10
        Not sure if this info was posted yet but since Granzella just tweeted about it I thought it was worth mentioning, if the Money God statue is Gold then there will be more high scoring coins during the event than if he is bronze.
      • Baron_Brain

        Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
        Valued Member

        Jan 22, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +21 /1
        #16 Baron_Brain, Feb 28, 2014
        Last edited: Feb 28, 2014

        Oh, okay… :)

        Guess I can at least spend a few minutes plopping up the initial start times for everyone else still.

        As for the extra times Granzella adds in daily after the first events have concluded, I'm afraid you'll have to figure those out yourselves. Since it's been made impossible for me to play, I just can't stay in Asia for 10 hours straight to grab them all. But you should know their pattern by now… (an event each hour, and if there's nothing listed immediately afterwards, the same event will likely repeat a few more times).

        I'm so annoyed by this server error… really wanted a statue at least. I'm probably in last place by now (I dropped from about 45th place to 117th or so after the error. No way I can ever get back up it seems. *sigh* :( Shame this is how Asia goes out for me, on such a sour note, but not like this has never happened before with Granzella points going awry.

        Anyway, it's just about 5:45am now here in still-dark Los Angeles. Had a really bad night & couldn't try to sleep any longer (super nerve damage pain flare-up I hope none of you ever has to experience; most of you literally couldn't imagine this type of hell, thankfully). Waiting for meds to (sorta) kick in, then hopefully some small peace again for a few hours. In the meantime, Udon Soup & blueberry pie for an early breakfast and some more Zatoichi. My idea of a erfect thing to go along with the fantastic massive rainstorm that finally arrived here in L.A. yesterday (we desperately needed this). Later all!

        [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
        Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
      • Yuku

        Yuku New Member

        Feb 28, 2014
        Likes Received:
        +0 /0
        I have been playing it but can't figure out how people are 4 to 5 stars and above. i have one star been first 4 times and 2nd once 3rd 2 times. yet my status is one star and rookie. I have no idea how to move forwards unless you have to do all money god quests in one sitting. Yet, my time has been limited so been missing the events.

        hope to catch up. I don't have a fast lmo though so I realise that has to impact heavily on it all.

        Hi \(^o^)/
        • Like Like x 1
        • Yuku

          Yuku New Member

          Feb 28, 2014
          Likes Received:
          +0 /0
          I'm 85th place and even come firsts o don't be too hard on yourself just keep going I moved up 5 places in less than 24 hours so!!! if I can do that who knows what you can do!

          just keep trying it's all about enjoying the last event and being there so you can say yes I was there and I had fun!
          if you win it's a bonus but the taking part is fun and seeing new people is nice too!
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
          Likes Received:
          +261 /59
          Not personally looked at the event yet myself @Yuku but I'm sure some the users here like @Baron_Brain & @ReccaWolf will be able to help and guild you :)
        • Yuku

          Yuku New Member

          Feb 28, 2014
          Likes Received:
          +0 /0
          Thank you hopefully see you there C.Birch at the event soon!
        Draft saved Draft deleted

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