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  1. Here I will try to give my opinion has honest and sincere about anything and everything related to PlayStation Home. I hope everyone like what I'm gonna write soon.

    "We are a Community, together we can beat anything, together we can bring justice, together we can make a better Home"



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  1. GOODY_2_SHOES_23
    Double post, sorry Ö_Ö
  2. GOODY_2_SHOES_23
    It was a pleasure meeting you, not in person or in avatar, just in talking. I do hope I didn't rub anyonr the wrong way(including Miranda) with my joke. I thought it was funny, but I guess not everyone has the same sense of humor as most.

    That's why I always found it hard to be a manager, not many people like your comments, no matter what you meant when you said it, it was taken wrong or out of context.

    Glad to see no harm was done tho, and again, nice to have MET you. lol. TC TTYL.
  3. GOODY_2_SHOES_23
    It was a pleasure meeting you, not in person or in avatar, just in talking. I do hope I didn't rub anyonr the wrong way(including Miranda) with my joke. I thought it was funny, but I guess not everyone has the same sense of humor as most.

    That's why I always found it hard to be a manager, not many people like your comments, no matter what you meant when you said it, it was taken wrong or out of context.

    Glad to see no harm was done tho, and again, nice to have MET you. lol. TC TTYL.