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  1. Twas late last night, when I brought him home. I don’t remember his name, but I remember he wasn’t quite full grown. I don’t think he was Asian, but he was good with persuasion. We talked, we laughed, and the rest was a blur. The last thing I remember, was him saying I’d look good in fur.

    When I awoke in the morning, I noticed the spot next to me was bare. So I got up out of bed and began to search for him, everywhere. I searched high, I searched low, but it seemed he was gone. I thought to myself, “I bet that little midget bastard skipped out before dawn.”.

    After I got over my loss from last night, I thought that a hot shower sounded just right. Then away to my closet, I went, looking for something to wear. But what I found was so disturbing, that I just had to let out a swear. "Dammit!"

    Taped to my underwear drawer, I found he left me a note, which pissed me off to my core.


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  1. Kimilicious

    Thats .. Umm (insert adjective here) ;D
  2. EvilFluffyBunny
    Lol. Well, even if it wasn't, you wouldn't be the first guy I've known of to strap on a pair of ladies' underwear.
  3. gary160974
    I did guess it might be as per me buying ladies underwear is fiction lol
  4. EvilFluffyBunny
    Lol. Indeed it is.

    Good thing this was all fiction. Lol.
  5. gary160974
    Long winded way of getting lace panties, do what I do and go and buy them and say they are for the wife. Im joking of course lol ;-)