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  1. I have been thinking about this for a whil now, and I decided to do a blog so I can get some feedback. Ever since I started Home, I have wanted a social interaction that allows avatars to PHYSICALLY interact. I realize that this could cause issues for Home, but If Sony could add this to Home without trouble, it would only add a cool, new feature. So if you have ever thought about this, tell me what you think.


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  1. stephrules31
    Lol... I would enjoy slapping another Home user... Mmmmhmmmm...:fish:
  2. Mika40
    Hey Kimi on my other site IMVU we can slap a person if they give you a hug not wanted:) yeah that would be nice but I would love to be able to give someone and item like a rose Home are you listening go Kimi:)
  3. fireclan2008
    I like garys idea of only able to use on friends. I think it would be cool if there were more interactions with friends.
  4. stephrules31
    Yeah! I really hope to see some of that. I would FREAK if Home-ies could hold hands. But yeah. The perves would get on my nerves!
  5. xxscrumbsxx
    My name on the playstation 3 online is gameboy1225
  6. xxscrumbsxx
    I can't wait until it is the end of summer or in augest so i could go on my ps home in phiadelphia now im in new york
  7. gary160974
    Perhaps interactions u can only use on friend can u imagine the slaps hugs and kisses u would get in square or plaza lol
  8. Kimilicious
    Ahh That Would Be Cool.

    I Would Say Only If You Accepted It Though, You Can Imagine The Pervs In Home Constantly Hugging You .. I Know I Would Stay Away From Central Plaza .. LoL

    Physical Interactions We Could Have ..

    - Hug
    - High Fives
    - Hand Shakes
    - Holding Hands (for those uses that are in love)
    - Kiss (lol, i do not want that)
    - Slap ;D

    And Many Many More ..
  9. stephrules31
    Well like hugging or high fives. Something around that alley. I think it could be really cool. So we'll see...:hug:
  10. Kimilicious
    Physical Interactions Such As ?

    In My View, Home Could Do A Lot Better When It Comes To Interactions :)