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  1. How long does it take to finish a video game? I’m a gamer that that has to deal with the real world and unfortunately has to play games an hour here and hour there. I started playing Final Fantasy 13 the day it was released and finished it about nine months later. To be honest I savored the game and didn’t rush through it, but my point is I don’t have the time I wish I did for my favorite games.

    Home is great like that. You can just drop by and split whenever. No need to hunt for a save point. Downloadable games are wonderful in the time department as well. Limbo was great; it was kind of like Silent Hill Jr. and if you need to stop, just stop. The game will pick up where you left it.

    I was reading Game Informer and there was this great article about not having time to play some games and how there should be an easy mode option for all games so you can make your way through the longer games before you collect social security. How long does it take you to finish a video game? Are you time challenged?

    Till next time the easy mode is located in the menu screen…just hit the start button!


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  1. Jade Suncastle
    I have the same issue with time, but what's weird is when I play Little Big Planet, sometimes the motion of the screen makes me feel nauseus, so I have to stop playing. It also happens on Home, when I move around furniture. LOL. It would be cool to have a career trying out new games and seeing how long it take to finish them. Imagine getting paid to play!!!! I guess the games have to be very long so you get your money's worth....

    Yport - why don't u plug your game cube in and finish Resident Evil already!!!

    Great blog!!!
  2. LostRainbow
    Great Blog!!! It takes me so long to finish a game too. I played Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 and it probably took me over a year to complete because of time. I always looked forward to playing and then had a hard time shutting it off when it got too late. Sometimes just when you think a game is over, there's a whole new section to go to. Sometimes when a game ends, even if you are playing a year, it's sad because it's over. I am also the type of person that likes to look online for a walkthrough after I finish a section, to make sure I didn't miss any hidden stuff. I am currently playing Epic Mickey for the Wii, but I have so little time to do it, that who knows when i'll be done!!!
  3. gary160974
    If it took too long to complete I would lose interest anyway, I may go back in a few months or even longer I just completed ballad of gay tony even though I got it when it was released I lost interest in it
  4. Yport
    JRPG can take forever! Then there are games like Little big Planet -2 that took me a couple weeks to finish. There is a lot of info on-line and guides you can get to help you if you get stuck. My record is Resident Evil -4, started in 2005 on the game cube and it's packed up somewhere so I think it might take me forever to finish!
  5. Kimilicious
    Haha I Am The Same; I Have So Much To Juggle And On Top Of That I Get Parental Locked Out Of The PS3. I Play On The Weekends For Few Hours. Either I Am In Home Or Trying To Platinum Something Or Just Getting To Play The Game For Fun And Enjoying It. I Finished The God of War Collection Last Weekend .. It Was An Awesome Ride Through It.

    Like Most People I Try To Go For The Hard Difficulty, I Like Challenges :)

    I Am Gonna Play Portal 2, If I Get Pissed Off With It; Darksiders, Here I Come .. LoL
  6. Hench_4_Life_72
    I'm like you Ted. I have a real life, a job, a workout routine, and a house to take care of, so if I get to play a couple of hours a week, I'm lucky. I still don't take the easy button, though, in fact I always play on the hardest setting available to ensure I get my money's worth.

    I'm currently working through Uncharted: Among Thieves.