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Call me over empathetic but sometimes I have a problem shooting people (virtually!)

  1. I have been a survival horror fanatic forever: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, give me a zombie in my gun sights and I will deliver a perfect headshot every time, but when it comes to humans I get cold feet.

    I have occasionally played first person shooters. I loved Medal of Honor series, the graphics were ok and it was patriotic and on the tame side. So when I was looking for a game the other day I decided to pick up Call of Duty Black Ops. The graphics were amazing and the environment was realistic as I have ever seen. The game did have a much darker feel to it. Shooting people in that game is a detailed experience. I know, I know, it’s not real. It’s just pixels and it’s a pretend situation but shooting Zombies doesn’t have the emotional baggage, hey there already dead right?

    That poor guy I just shot, what will become of his 401k plan? Will his virtual wife get a virtual telegram saying he was virtually killed? Was the poor guy virtually drafted and had no choice? Zombies or aliens are much easier to wipe out!

    As much as I am very impressed with Call of Duty, I just not that comfortable playing it. The good news is there is a Zombie add on for the game. Ahh zombies! Pass the virtual shotgun!


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  1. stephrules31
    Haha. I love this blog. Youre hilarious. :D
  2. Kimilicious

    Awesome Blog, I Love Survival Horror As Well And Some Zombie Situations To Frighten Me To Say At Least. Resident Evil 3 For Example When Nemesis Popped Out Of No Where A Lot Especially In The Clocktower Part Where He Bursts Through The Wall .. xD .. As For Killing Humans, I Would Say It Is Same Minus The Dead Part .. LoL

    You Are So Going To Enjoy RE:ORC .. Haha :p
  3. gary160974
    Think of the character your controlling its them or us and hes got someone controlling him that cant do whats necessary lol
  4. Yport
    Don't forget Left 4 Dead, Dead Space and Doom.
    Zombies don't have 401k plans. I asked!
  5. LostRainbow
    This blog made me laugh!!! The part about the 401K plan!! It's funny to think about even though they are just pixels, but it is after all a human!! When I played Kingdom Hearts, I was fine killing all those creatures, but I also play Pirates Online and I feel bad killing all the Army type guys, but have no problem killing the bugs and stuff.

    We just have to realize, they are just games, but it is a funny thought!! Thanks for the laugh!!! :)