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  1. For now, I'm calling this story A Giant Conspiracy, until a better name pops in my mind. Anyway, it's basically going to be a giant (As in rather long.) conspiracy theory, that ties in with doomsdays, such as Rapture Day and this so called one coming up in October this year, and 2012. This isn't one of my more serious, or positive, or even creepy works, but I figured it was time for a little fun and randomness. So here it goes...

    A Giant Conspiracy

    Chapter 1

    In the year 1775, a vampire by the name of Lord Mortimer was born. He wasn’t an ordinary vampire, though, no, no. Lord Mortimer was a talking rabid vampire sheep. Yes, that’s right, a talking rabid vampire sheep. I’m sure you are wondering exactly how that happens, so let me explain…

    Before Mortimer was a talking rabid vampire sheep, he was merely just a regular talking sheep, that went by the name of Herman. You see, Herman was sent to earth from Heaven, by the Gods, with the ability to talk and sing. They wanted him to use his beautiful singing voice, as a way to defeat all of the evil on Earth. However, Herman’s destiny to fight the battle for the greater good, was soon to become dashed. For some dumb reason, the Gods did not for see that misfortune coming. I guess it had something to do with most of them being male and chasing Aphrodite around.


    One day, Herman was attacked by a rabid wolf, which caused him to become infected with the rabies virus. While Herman was slowly wasting away, with a constant urge to bite everything in sight, his mindset was crossing over to a darker side. Herman’s head was no longer filled with the sounds of chirping birds and happy thoughts, no. Instead, the sound of chirping birds was replaced by a really annoying buzzing sound stuck in his head, that drove him crazy. The noise caused him bad headaches and his ears would sometimes bleed. Then his happy thoughts started disappearing, which lead to them being replaced by impure thoughts about Little Bo Peep, as well as causing destruction around the world, and having an army to take out mankind, so he could rule the world. Yes, yes, Herman wanted to rule the world with an iron hoof and be feared by every living thing on Earth.

    After two weeks had passed and Herman was passed the point of insanity, he could feel the rabies virus affecting him in other ways. It was getting harder and harder for him to move around. He felt like his whole body was ready to shut down, soon. Then, 3 days later, Herman found himself laying in the middle of a wheat field, unable to move any further or accomplish any of his evil goals, while vultures circled around him in the sky, waiting for him to become ripe for the picking. But luckily, on what would have been Herman’s final day of living, something amazing happened to him. Just as he was about to kick the bucket, a hippie vampire stumbled upon him, in the middle of that wheat field. Herman did not know what this fellow was, but he really wanted his help.

    “What’s the matter with you?”, asked the hippie vampire.

    Herman replied, “It all started after a wolf bit me and happened to infect me with some type of horrible disease it was carrying…”, and Herman rambled on and on about most of his life story, even explained why he could talk and about his destiny. Only, he did neglect to mention the part about the annoying buzzing noise and the evil thoughts that he had going through his head, just in case this passer by could cure him. He didn’t want this guy to steal any of his world take over ideas.

    The hippie vampire studied Herman for a moment, then said, “I think I can help you.”.

    With that, the hippie vampire took out a stick from his traveling bag and gave it to Herman to bite on. Then he sunk his fangs into Herman’s neck, while Herman chomped on the stick and enjoyed the taste of tree bark, while seeing his surroundings changing various colors. After 30 seconds, the hippie vampire took his fangs out of Herman and reached in his traveling bag, again, only this time he took out a tiny little bottle, that contained some weird looking purple glowing liquid. He told Herman to drink it and he would be 100% cured. So Herman did as he was told and downed the whole bottle.

    After a few moments, Herman started to feel different. He was feeling stronger, many of his senses were heightened, and his mind felt more open. Just before Herman could ask the fellow what he did to cure him, the man had vanished. But Herman heard the words, “I’m a hippie vampire and you’re welcome.”, echo through his head. With that, Herman understood what had happened, having learned about this sort of thing before being sent to Earth, and was overjoyed about being evil and telepathic. Not to mention, still rabid.

    Now all Herman had to do, was create a name for himself and find himself an army, or someone who could create him a rather monstrous army.

    To be continued…

    I'm not done with that chapter, but that's a good portion of it. Many things could change, yet, as this is simply just me playing around or in other words, a really rough draft. Lol.


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  1. phunky~phenom
    Yeah, you can replace the bolts with headphones. lol
  2. EvilFluffyBunny
    I would love to add you as one of the characters. That would actually be a perfect creature, to be involved with someone that Herman is going to meet, later on.
  3. phunky~phenom
    Awesome, I wanna see both the rabbid wolf and hippie vampy in your future chapters again. lol Maybe include a phunky phrankenstein too. :p
  4. EvilFluffyBunny
    Yeah, going to make this as ridiculous sounding as I can. :)
  5. phunky~phenom
    Hmmm, interesting. ;)
  6. EvilFluffyBunny
    Lol. Oh don't worry, I'll cover that bit, soon. This chapter is subject to change a lot, depending on what idea hits me next.
  7. phunky~phenom
    Why didn't the rabbid wolf eat Herman?