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LMO - Big Wheelies BMX

  • [parsehtml]
    <div align="center" class="secondaryContent"> This amazing BMX locomotion object comes complete with an old school BMX you can ride and pull wheelies on. Just hold the square button down and up comes the front wheel, allowing you to show off your amazing skills.
    <br />
    <br />
    This Locomotion is available in the following colors:<br />
    Gold - Green - Red - Black
    <table class="ratingtable" width="100%" >
    <td><div align="center" class="secondaryContent">
    <b>Style</b><br>How do you rate the style and design of this Locomotion item?</div></td>
    <td><div align="center" class="secondaryContent"><b>Animation</b><br>How do you rate the Locomotions animations? </div></td>
    <td><div align="center" class="secondaryContent"><b>Value</b><br>Do you find this Locomotion item gives you good value for money?</div></td>
    <td><div align="center" class="secondaryContent"><b>Overall</b><br>How would you rate this Locomotion item overall?</div></td>
    <td valign="top" align="center"><div align="center"><div id="rate_lmo5" align="center"></div></div></td>
    <td valign="top" align="center"><div align="center"><div id="rate_lmo6" align="center"></div></div></td>
    <td valign="top" align="center"><div align="center"><div id="rate_lmo7" align="center"></div></div></td>
    <td valign="top" align="center"><div align="center"><div id="rate_lmo8" align="center"></div></div></td>
  • PlayStation(R)Home Picture 09-02-2013 12-50-14.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 09-02-2013 12-50-21.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 09-02-2013 12-50-30.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 09-02-2013 12-50-43.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 09-02-2013 12-51-27.jpg

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