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Frozen Peak Palace

  • Rating
    How do you rate the style and design of this space?
    How do you rate the space's Interactiveness?
    Do you find this space gives you good value for money?
    How would you rate this space overall?
  • features
    Check out the full list of features that this PlayStation Home personal space supports or does not support.

    YesWall Hangings
    This space as 11 Slots.
    NOEditable Wallpaper
    This space does not support editable wallpaper.
    YesHome Rewards
    This space has rewards to win.
    NoVideo Screen
    This space does not have any video screens.
    NoInteractive Lights
    This space does not support interactive lights.
    NoDay & Night
    This space does not support day & night.
    This space does not have mini-games.
    YesOther Interactive Systems
    This space comes with the following interactive systems.
  • Costing
    This item costs the following to buy in the below regions.


    This item was released in the following regions on the below dates.

    10th December 2014
    24th July 2013
    Not Released
    Not Released
  • [parsehtml]

    <script type="text/javascript" src="pano/personal/Frozen_Peak_Palace/swfobject.js"></script>

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    To view virtual tour properly, Flash Player 9.0.28 or later version is needed.

    Please download the latest version of <a href="" target="_blank">Flash Player</a> and install it on your computer.


    <script type="text/javascript">

    var so = new SWFObject("pano/personal/Frozen_Peak_Palace/PWViewer.swf", "sotester", "800", "500", "9.0.0", "#FFFFFF");

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    so.addVariable("lwBarBounds", "300,246,200,8");

    so.addVariable("lwShowLoadingPercent", "true");

    so.addVariable("iniFile", "config_Frozen_Peak_Palace.bin");

    so.addVariable("progressType", "0");

    so.addVariable("swfFile", "");

    so.addVariable("href", location.href);



  • Add Mediaadd your images
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-14.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-21.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-28.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-35.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-44.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-58-56.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-59-06.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-59-11.jpg
    PlayStation(R)Home Picture 24-07-2013 19-59-19.jpg
    *Contains images from YPSH Media Gallery Album: Frozen Peak Palace.

    Add Mediaadd your images

User Comments

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  1. SethRis28
    this would be cool...period. besides the dream yacht: arctic voyage this is a must own ice-themed personal space...wish it was in NA region :(
      Smokey Studios likes this.
  2. Camro LeZor Warrior XXVII
    When will this be coming for North America?
      Smokey Studios likes this.
  3. Smokey Studios
    I have this space on my EU account I want it for my NA also !!!!!!!
  4. Grand_Viceroy
    This space was originally featured as an open house in the NA region, but was not officially released yet for the purpose of Sony to get the people's opinion of what they thought of the space. What they liked and what changes Sony could make to it before an official release to be determined at a later date, but somehow it seemed they scrapped the idea since we never heard anything about this space ever again (at least from my viewpoint).

    Fast forward to now, I see it has been released but in the EU region (coming across this video tour) but, as was mentioned already, this space just disappeard nowhere to be found for purchase. But I see the furniture pack is still available. Any word on when Sony will fix this oversight? I really would love to own this space. :)
  5. Camro LeZor Warrior XXVII
    I saw this in 2011, I think, along with the furniture pack that is just came out a few weeks ago then it just disappeared.

    It could make for one "cool" Christmas space.
  6. C.Birch
    No date as been given for the US.